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The Russians are crowding our coasts with their nuclear submarines!
Okay, I think this Senator is a little too new-age for my taste, but he does see the problem.

Quote:Russian President Vladimir Putin is deploying nuclear-armed submarines "dangerously close" to the United States and European allies, a Senate Democrat said following a trip to the Arctic Circle.

"No one is suggesting that Putin is contemplating a nuclear launch against a NATO country, but it's not clear how tethered to reality Putin is," Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy told reporters Monday. "And it should make us nervous that many of his submarines are starting to get dangerously close to the U.S. and our allies."

Ummm... Doh! (puts on slow, patient voice for the particularly dim witted in the bunch) No..... Putin isn't contemplating the order of a first strike against Western cities and major continental targets from nuclear submarines, and I'll tell ya? Hyperbole is something I am coming to have absolutely *NO* tolerance for anymore. It is just such a short leap from that into outright making crap up because it sounds good. 

Putin is doing what the United States Navy has spent 70+ years doing, but America seems to have forgotten the whole concept of (beyond condemning it as evil and somehow..uniquely American or something). Comrade President Putin is projecting power, where no current power exists to challenge on a daily basis. He's not doing it to nuke anyone, but to apply the subtle pressure that he COULD, if only pushed in the wrong extreme way. Rather like American Presidents have done for decades, and it baffles me where the Government went in 8 short years? Did EVERYONE over the age of about 40 just retire or check institutional experience at the door or what?? Really?! Putin is rearming, re-gearing and projecting outward....with some determination ..and we're RE-LEARNING lessons we've already RE-LEARNED at least a couple times since World War II?

Oh.. we're in deep crap.

Quote:Pentagon officials currently plan to scale back production of modern attack submarines in order to preserve funding for the Ohio-class submarines that carry nuclear weapons. "You're going have to look at this program with a national lens because if you drop this into the middle of a Navy shipbuilding budget it will just gut Navy shipbuilding for decades to come," Navy Secretary Ray Mabus told a House panel last week.

Then just what in the name of intelligence in our nation *IS* taking *THAT* much budget?! Attack submarines are not made of GOLD or anything...

US Navy Orders 10 Virginia-class Submarines at a Record Cost of $17.6 Billion

...and if some of the things I've heard about those boats are even half way accurate for some capabilities? They're a bargain to have a small fleet at twice the price per copy. 

After all.... what is a few billion between friends?

Obama Asks for $3.7 Billion to Aid Border

Well, hells bells! If he hadn't literally created the immigration horror show, at least TWO of those submarines would be no hardship, eh? I don't recall hearing him being refused his money for that, either, so immigrants breaking our basic laws by merely arriving in the way they CHOOSE to......are infinitely more important than having a Navy worthy of a world power? I see... What else is more important?

Obama’s big ask: $4 billion for computer science in schools

Well, hot damn on a donut. Who can argue throwing billions more at schools from far atop Capital Hill and the lofty heights of Washington D.C.? Then again.....if we left school initiative to the states to determine what they deem best, without things like unfunded mandates out the ass, keeping whatever funding DOES exist so tied up chasing other federal demands that they can't move? Well... Lets see... 17 Billion...vs. 4 Billion....

Wow..! We could not only move a little piece of schooling back to the local level where schools actually exist, but pay for damn near TWENTY FIVE PERCENT of the "record breaking" and apparently back breaking requirement to supply for a competent national defense in the face of a determined adversary (not enemy .. not yet, anyway..and they call these things COLD at this stage for a reason), 

I wonder.. could there be anything less worthy? Hmm.... Maybe it really is a hard hard choice to make here? Could it be? Shall we consider it possible? 

Obama to pledge $3 billion in climate aid for developing countries

Obama: $3B for U.N. Climate Fund ‘A Smart Investment for Us to Make’

Obama budget to include $1 billion for Central America

Obama will ask for $4 billion for self-driving car research

Obama Administration Unveils $5.5 Billion Plan To Create Summer & Youth Jobs

No... We shall not consider it possible in my estimation. In fact, the next person I hear say the United States Government cannot afford to build however many submarines the United States Navy requires during a period other world powers are expanding and patrolling OUR coasts with their own nuclear submarines, I'll read the riot act to!!

It isn't a question of...CAN WE....but do we value avoiding what a bad decision and outcome looks like enough to spend the money in deterrent defense? After all....Submarines don't start wars....unless the war we're talking about is "THAT" war, and we'll pray to every God the people in our land worship that we have endless fleets of submarines no one told us about .... if THAT war comes.

Otherwise? Well...from the original story:

Quote:Murphy wants the Navy to build those Ohio-class submarines without cutting production of other modern attack submarines. "We've got to find a way to do both," he said. "If you look at the pace of Russian and Chinese building programs, we can't afford to drop Virginia-class production back to one for more than a year."


How about...we do NO CUTTING of major, LONG TERM war fighting platforms (these things get built ONCE and they stand their purpose for decades to come. It's WORTH IT) and build what the military says we require to have a credible defense ...not for negotiation or pressure ...or as OTHER world powers are doing. Build what the military says we need to have a defense against a DETERMINED ATTACK. 

We may just see that very thing, and perhaps, far earlier than we can now react ...but there is no good reason to keep screwing around while Russia and China sharpen the proverbial knives, almost openly now.
I must admit with NATO crowding the borders of Russia if I were Putin I too would be pissed and drawing a few red lines in parts of the world.. Short of a nuclear exchange I would do everything in my countries power to hold the freshly painted lines. If that failed then everyone knows when the big ones go off the next war will probably be fought with sticks and stones if not bare teeth and claws.
Hell of an article!! And both comments above are true to life we have as a country done this to many leaders this is the one that is going to fight back the hardest because of his countries military capacity  it's going to be one hell of  a firework Show!!

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