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Star Trek: F#$% the Prime Directive- Archimedes Principle

Admiral Riker and Admiral Uhura looked at each other saying nothing..

"You mother F#$%ing A$$hats," Captain ringo pointed at the two DTI agents .. "I will promote the first crewman who arranges a transporter accident.. You .. I had to ensure this loop.. Violate the Prime directive.. And the Temporal Prime directive.. Sleep with both eyes open DTI.."

[Image: 762cec0777cb9ffe5fc484bf5f7ed375.jpg]

The two DTI Agents looked down..

After a moment, "Captain.." The taller of the two DTI agents spoke, "We.."

"Agent Lucsly.. He is only F#$%ing seventeen.. And untrained," Ringo grabbed the man and threw him over a table.. "I.."

"CAPTAIN," The other agent gets a boot to the nuts from Ringo..

The weirdly armored male chuckles..

[Image: 3f444bfc65ec6974a48d5f35c004a4e1.jpg]

Uhura puts her hand on Riker's shoulder, "This is DTI's mess.."

Riker looks at the two men on the ground..

A female with a suliban head in a spare MACO's suit with Captain's pips interjects.. "Captain... " Sighing, "Anson.."

A younger voice comes from the armored man, "Anson.. that is the name of the.. I mean.. The only friend I made at the Academy.. " The armored steps forward, "Anson.. That mask what.. "

"Sarah," Ringo took a moment.. "A F#$%ing time loop.. And its you two morons and the DTI's fault.."

"S.. S.. Sarah," The armored kid paused and took off his helmet.. "You.. You .. what happened?" Reaching up with tears in his eyes, "I.. I mean we.. Sarah?"

[Image: 7513e1e309e706dda507fb6b14e277ba.jpg]

"Uhura.. Khan's second generation full augment son is," Riker took a deep breath.. "The Federation ghost.. Agent Dulmer.. Agent Lucsky.."

"Son.. This is a time loop.. You have ten minutes to speak with old friends.." Uhura gives the DTI agents dirty looks as they stand up, "While these two gentlemen Explain what is going on to Admiral Riker.."

"Admiral Uhura.. Mam," Lucsky paused as Colonel Pike stepped forward..

"Captain said space them boys.." Colonel Pike coldly spoke as his men steeped forward, "Timer set.. Ten minutes agents.."

Riker sat down at a table and pointed to two chairs, "If you two would be so kind.."

Colonel Pike smiled and whispered, "Cadet.. take your time.. I am right here.."

"I just entered Starfleet academy today.. After a lot of," The kid was wide eyed..

"Admiral riker.. This is the closing of," Lucsky swallowed hard as the MACO's gently push him forward with his partner..

"Cadet Malarky.. I have to make sure you are aware of the Temporal Prime directive..." Admiral riker is not very happy, "So we are.."

"I was raised on vulcan Admiral.." Cadet Malarky was very quiet, "Sarah.."

A tear fell down Sarah's face, "You are so young.." She kisses Malarky on the forehead, "My second favorite lover.."

"Who is the first," Cadet Malarky responds wide eyed..

Captain ringo speaks, "Nathan.. " Ringo take a moment, "Spend the time with Sarah.. I still have four years to put up with your S#$%.." Stopping after turning, "And yes I am smarter then you.. You were right.."

"You.. I KNEW IT," Nathan takes a deep breath.. Seeing the blackmasked captain, "You..You made Captain.."

"We do not have a lot of time," Sarah takes a deep breath.. "Admiral Uhura.. I.."

"Till riker is done with the DTI.. Then we talk over your vessel and previous behavior," Admiral Uhura turned her back and walked over standing behind riker and the now sitting Captain Ringo..

"Sarah.. You.. I thought you," Nathan sighed..

"Listen those two cant be allowed to talk privately.. Sarah gooseby is a wanted criminal and," Agent Dulmur is interrupted by Admiral riker..

"I take it Captain ringo , You are charging DTI with signing off on her promotion as a field agent for them," Admiral riker coldly spoke..

"That is not," Lucsky is stopped by his partner..

"Captain ringo.. We sent," dulmur took a deep breath..

"I am filing an offical complaint with the Science directorate.. Yes Admiral Riker.. I had to violate Starfleets Prime directive and Starfleets Prime directive under orders.. My objections are filed with the DTI.. I apologize for the change of my behavior.." Looking at the two DTI agents, "Yes they talk.. She is passing the exact information that is about to be sent back.. "

"What was the mission," Admiral riker ask?

Cadet Malarky and Sarah sit down as they are quickly talking..

"To retrieve the artifacts on the second and first moons.. " captain ringo coldly stated," You see the So'Ju' Swor come from two failures.. DTI's and Janeways.. This is fall out from a Violation of the Temporal Prime directive.."

"Artifacts," Admiral Uhura responded?

"Admiral Uhura," Dulmur looks down.. "Captain ringo had a perfect record with the Prime directive and Temporal Prime directive.. He.. He has the DTI's immunity to the rules for time travel.. By order of the science council.. It was felt this time loop  had to be finished.."

"Cadet Malarky.. The two items please," Captain Ringo coldly states..

Cadet Malarky walks over, "An.. Captain.."

"Give these two agents the devices you retrieved," Ringo responded.. "And you two give him the reciept acknowledgement.."

"So this is why you," Dulmur held his hand out.. "Cadet.."

"Go spend the time with Gooseby," Admiral Riker spoke as the items where dropped into the agent's hands..

"Aye Admiral," Malarky turned..

"Cadet..." Riker spoke, " Keep your reports coming to me.." Uhura gave Riker a look and then Malarky, "Admiral.. This is a time loop.. It explains why he sent me reports.."

Cadet Malakry frooze for a second...

"We will talk later.. For now," Admiral Uhura shook her head.. "Do as Admiral riker instructed.. Gentlemen.. You are going to tell me what happened here.."


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RE: Star Trek: F#$% the Prime Directive- Archimedes Principle - by Armonica_Templar - 06-24-2019, 01:46 AM

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