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BREAKING: Trump & Mattis Take Out ISIS Leader On Day 1
Whomever Obama's puppet master was wouldn't allow him to go in and kill any of the ISIS clan because they're plan was to use them to come into the U.S. and take it over.  I mean, just look at what we have here since Obama took office, or had... 

1. Open boarders that Obama refused to close.  This was so they (ISIS) could mingle in with all the refugees he was bringing in to the U.S. without detection, and then put them in place.

2. "Conditioning" the U.S. population to accept Muslims and Sharia Faith practices, while demeaning all other faiths.  Eventually, Sharia Law would be the ONLY faith one could practice, and if you didn't obey it's rules, bye-bye... as in, You're Dead!   Obama showed in a speech that his loyalties were with the Muslim Brotherhood, not Christians (which is the majority of faith worshipers in the U.S.).

3. Sending all jobs overseas takes away the income from the middle class, and makes more and more people dependent on the government. They needed the public to be dependent on them for help so they wouldn't fight back on any policies they passed.  People turn their heads the other way when they see the hand that feeds them doing something wrong.

4. Stage false flag killings so they can make guns the enemy and ban them.  They couldn't allow the public to own guns to fight back when the military came knocking on people's door.  It didn't work, but if Hillary had gotten in, I think it would have, eventually.

5. Give the Elite-owned media (MSM) scripted news to feed the public so they could sway their opinion in the direction they wanted to lead them.

6. Keep the youth staring at their phones and send subliminal messages in songs and through idols that they look up to.  Show violence as "a way of life" to condition them that this is how you get what you want when you want it. (Teach them to be bullies, then show it to their friends on social media!)  This goes way back to parents having authority over their children taken away by government with things like, forcing vaccines on kids that cause a whole range of problems so they can keep Big Pharma in business, and a whole lot more that I could get into, but won't due to lack of time.

There is so much more. If people will just open their eyes and see what was going on, recognize all the changes made since Obama took office. They fed the message of peace and a diverse culture in the U.S. as a cover to feed the sheeple a lie, while in the background they worked on their plot to overthrow our government! We were "this close" to them moving the last chess piece in place to take over our country, but thank all that is holy, Hillary didn't win! 

Anyway... Trump is president now and he took out the leader of ISIS on his first day in office. minusculeknocks

He is not controlled by the same puppet master as Obama; he is on the good guy's side.   I'm sure there is someone above him with more power, there always is, but Trump won't be as easy to bribe with money and power because he already has it.

I'm sure the Elite are so pissed right now that Trump took his hand and just toppled over the chess board, rearranging how the game is going to be played.   I put up a thread the other day about the people going after Soros. If they/we can get him "out of the picture", things will calm down 95 percent.  He is the instigator behind a lot of the turmoil we see in the world today, and as long as he's alive, he'll make trouble for Trump because he pissed on his parade! tinylaughing

GO TRUMP!   minusculebeercheers

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RE: BREAKING: Trump & Mattis Take Out ISIS Leader On Day 1 - by Mystic Wanderer - 01-24-2017, 05:00 PM

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