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The Problems in Profit
I agree with guohua, very intense &makes for some deep reading 
I can tell you sure put some thought into it.
Wish my mind worked like yours...WOW

Yes, it is sad that we have become modern day 'slaves', in the sense that we are being controlled/manipulated by our govt-- whether it be through taxes, foods, water, air etc etc 

Poisons we ingest from GMOs, the air we breath or excess fluoride in the drinking water 

The corps lobby govt officials to "look the other way", even tho scientists in others countries prove that something is not safe for people to consume.
Yet those scientists are discredited by American scientists who are getting grants or what have you, therefore they are in support of Monsanto or whatever company is in question 

It would have to be a movement, such as the Trump-type of movement (sorry to compare it to that) to get our government listen, not that they would do anything
And even then, they would do whatever it took to discredit those protesting and maybe even threaten them via way of family

And being as we are working our azzes off all for the almighty dollar just to make ends meet, no one wants to make any waves for fear of losing job.

As for free energy?
Oh hell no, they (TPTB) would never ever allow that, even tho we all know it is possible.
It's about the money and control of the people sadly

That evil 'profit' that you talked about

It would almost take a catastrophe of sorts IMO, to put a stop to this insane control TPTB have over the population.
Of course, with any drastic change, would come civil unrest and people would get hurt/killed
But that maybe what it takes to cleanse us of this rot and for us to start over again.
Even if it means doing without much of this technology that we have today.

(BTW...shared to social media)

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

Messages In This Thread
The Problems in Profit - by Amaterasu Solar - 05-22-2016, 07:14 AM
RE: The Problems in Profit - by guohua - 05-22-2016, 07:16 AM
RE: The Problems in Profit - by Amaterasu Solar - 05-22-2016, 07:17 AM
RE: The Problems in Profit - by senona - 05-22-2016, 07:19 AM
RE: The Problems in Profit - by Amaterasu Solar - 05-22-2016, 07:21 AM

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