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White House Warns of Global Food Shortages After Ukraine Invasion
(03-22-2022, 04:30 PM)beez Wrote:
(03-22-2022, 04:26 PM)hounddoghowlie Wrote:
(03-22-2022, 03:54 PM)beez Wrote: So they either wanted this to happen or they're idiots and morons.

I say both. Very few politicians have any sense, and of those most succumb to the " i'm in charge power trip ego" and get even more stupid than the ones that didn't have any sense.

Those that don't succumb are usually run off and threatened with loss of life to them or their family if they speak about what goes on in my opinion.

Could be wrong, but i don't think I am.

My litmus test for honest politicians has always been the Congressional Hush Fund used to pay off and cover up sexual misconduct by our representatives.

To date, not a single member of congress has called to eliminate the funds or to name the people who have used it.

Yep my other litmus test for politicians is to see if they make conflict of interest issue number 1 and their only or primary focus.

If they talk about fixing healthcare,taxes,welfare,gov't spending, regulations, education, economy, etc then they are  either:
1. The problem and bought and paid for:
   Their intention is to keep you distracted from the real problem and keep you chasing your tail with the symptoms of the real problem.

2. Complete morons:
    Anyone that is trying or expects to fix our issues with a bunch of politicians in congress that are riddled with conflict of interest who not only created the issues in the first place but are also benefiting from those same issues they created are some kind of special.

Trying to fix any of our issues without first reducing conflict of interest in congress is the equivalent of going to you local Gangs or MOB and asking them to fix the crime in your neighborhood that they created and are benefiting from. Can't fix stupid and yet many smart people in their own way fail to understand this simple logical thinking process?

So far not one has passed that litmus test. However, trump came somewhat close and brought attention to the MSM propaganda, The swamp, and our dependencies with foreign adversary. Unfortunately I think trump landed on option 2 above when he relied on swamp creatures to fix the swamp.

The GOP swamp completely played trump while feeding his ego until the very end. His Republican party darlings who composed his administration basically sh1tted on him and validated the most likely corrupted election in history. All the while his  3 letter agencies and DOJ  opened investigations to only close lose ends and get rid of evidence and eyewitnesses (hillary email, epstein didn't kill himself, hunter biden laptop, etc)

There are only 2 people I would be willing to take a chance with and actually get behind but neither really has passed my litmus test. However those 2 are Ron Desantis and Rand Paul more so Desantis and paul more so because of his dad and has gone against the GOP and the GOP has never endorsed him .

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RE: White House Warns of Global Food Shortages After Ukraine Invasion - by interupt42 - 03-22-2022, 05:42 PM

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