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A Very Marie Christmas
Marie woke, slightly hungover, to the sound of a rooster crowing. She groaned as she rolled over and got out of bed. Why had she let Josh convince her that chickens were something they needed around the farm? He’d of course won her over when he informed her that they eat spiders. However, it’s now December, there are no spiders out there, it’s cold and she had to feed them. She quickly dressed and made her way downstairs. She started coffee and looked out of the window. Pitbull Penny and Malinois Bella were running and jumping around enjoying the cold morning. She popped a couple of aspirins into her mouth and downed her coffee before grabbing her coat and stepping outside.

The cold north wind blasted her face with what seemed like hurricane force. She muttered to herself that she should have bought a place in Florida. She hurried over to the feed building and got a scoop of chicken feed and went to pour it out for the chickens. She saw Josh over by the horse trough breaking ice. She waved at him and thought it was too soon to be this cold in Oklahoma. She dreaded what the rest of winter might be like.

Penny and Bella paused from their game of scatter the redbirds as Marie’s mother drive into view. She threw open the door of the Bonneville and in a huff asked “Do you not answer the phone anymore?”

The phones battery had died a couple of days ago and Marie just hadn’t seen it necessary to charge it. She’d been enjoying a few days peace without anyone from the Realm of Light Agency calling her. “Sorry mom, I guess I forgot to put it on the charger.” She said. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

Her mother hugged her and said “As long as you’re okay.” She then smiled and said “Your dad and I have been invited to view the lights in Bricktown this year. Why don’t you take a few days off and meet us? We’ll be staying in one of the nicer hotels and there will be a party in the ballroom. Please say yes”.

Marie didn’t tell her that this was the last thing she wanted to do. Her parents and their happiness meant a great deal to her so she accepted the invitation one one condition “Mom, are pets allowed? I don’t want to be gone for two nights without Penny and Bella.”

“I’ve already thought of that and we’ve paid extra for them to come two.”

Marie asked her mother if she’d like to come in for coffee but she declined so Marie finished her chores and went back inside to find something to wear. She found a black dress hiding in the back of the closet and figured it would have to do. She finished packing and did a few more things around the house. She took a thermos of coffee out to Josh and sat by the fire for awhile and thought it might actually be nice to spend a couple of days with her parents.

The next morning she took her bag out to her 55 Ford and couldn’t believe her luck. Both back tires were completely flat. “What the hell” she muttered aloud.

Josh saw her standing there, staring at her tires and walked over to see if he could help. 

“Well that looks like someone slashed them.” He said. “But how’d they do it without us seeing, or hearing them?”

Marie had an idea but decided that it was probably better left unsaid. “I dunno Josh. It is strange though” she said.

“Why don’t you take mine? I know your parents are looking forward to seeing you. I got a buddy that’ll bring a couple new ones. There’s a manual tire changer over by the barn we can use to change ‘em out.”

“Is that what that is?” She asked.

“Josh laughed and asked “What you think it was?”

Marie just shrugged and changed the subject. “I wish you were going with me Josh. I hate going to this sort of stuff.”

“Not my kind of thing either and it’s probably best I stay here anyway cause I’m still on probation.”

Marie nodded and said “Well I should be back in a few days it’s all yours until then.”

She called the dogs and got them loaded into the black 4x4 dually that felt way to big for her and smirked thinking that Josh must have little man syndrome. She adjusted the seat and started it up immediately changing the radio station. She then put it in gear and drove out of the gates. She had a ten mile drive to the interstate then she entered the on ramp and headed north for her two hour drive to Oklahoma City.

The north wind buffeted the truck the entire trip. It was starting to sleet when she got to the hotel. She parked the truck in the parking garage, grabbed her bags, and put leashes on the dogs. She then went inside to check in. She immediately felt out of place and was relieved to get to her room.

Messages In This Thread
A Very Marie Christmas - by VioletDove - 12-09-2021, 01:42 AM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by ABNARTY - 12-09-2021, 02:53 AM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by VioletDove - 12-09-2021, 04:25 AM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by ABNARTY - 12-09-2021, 06:12 PM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by VioletDove - 12-09-2021, 08:14 PM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by VioletDove - 12-10-2021, 02:14 AM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by VioletDove - 12-10-2021, 05:17 PM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by GeauxHomeLittleD - 12-11-2021, 04:02 AM
RE: A Very Marie Christmas - by VioletDove - 12-11-2021, 06:38 AM

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