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No hope for real change?
(06-12-2021, 08:56 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(06-12-2021, 08:30 PM)Ninurta Wrote: That war between the various criminal factions ain't my war. My fight is hanging on to what I have and keeping ANY them from taking it at all, whomever they are.


I so agree with you, but the one thing I know about rats and roaches, is if you ignore one, you will soon be infested.

I feel exactly the way you do. It is sort of the rural way. Something they know well, and use to their advantage. I am watching the slow take over of our small rural area. The level of corruption is mind boggling, because they don't even try to hide it anymore.

As much as I want to leave, it is getting harder and harder to maintain, I keep asking myself, "Where in the hell do I go?" If I am lucky enough to find another rural spot, it will just be a matter of time before the bulldozers are on the horizon again.

Well, you see, this ain't our first rodeo.

Over a century ago, carpetbaggers from the northern industrial nations of the US found out there is a wealth of mineral resources here, and determined to "develop" them. They came in and bought "mineral rights" from the locals, many of whom could not even read the contracts they were signing. All the locals knew was that the carpetbaggers were giving them "money for nothing" - they got to keep their land, still got a cash payment, and had no concept of the value of the minerals under it - or what they would give up to extract those minerals for other people's enrichment, rather than their own.

So the carpetbaggers started "developing" the area by honeycombing it with mines and roads and railways to haul the coal out, hollowing out the mountains for their wealth. At first it seemed a boon - mines meant jobs in an impoverished area, and people jumped at the chance. They didn't see what was coming. Those jobs put the workers in a state of serfdom to the Lords of the Manor. We got jobs alright - back breaking labor for little to no money. All of the value, all of the wealth, was being exported out and lining the bank accounts of the Manor Lords. None of it was flowing INWARD to us. And when I say "no money", I literally mean that. Working for NO money. Instead, the companies built "company towns" near the mines to be worked, streets lined with cookie cutter houses to house the serfs. Instead of actual pay, they were paid in "scrip" issued by the coal companies. That scrip could only be spent at the Company stores, in the company towns, and nowhere else. The companies set the prices of the goods the workers had to buy to live on. So they paid us in scrip, and then took that scrip back at the company store, at rates THEY set.

The Company could, and did, turn entire families out of their company housing in the company towns with no notice, and no real reason. That's what came of reliance on the Manor Lords.

Sweet deal for the companies, huh? WE, on the other hand, were little more than serfs and slaves.

And it all started with promised of wealth and development, and payments of "money for nothing".

Kinda like is happening right now, again. Do you wonder why we don't trust outsiders who come with flowery promises, Greeks bearing gifts?

They hollowed out the mountains, destroyed entire watersheds, and ruined lands owned by others to get at the minerals underneath them. The house I live in now, and the land it sits on, is privately owned... but a mine, running underneath the house, cut the bottom out of our well and destroyed it. Oh, the coal company paid to hook up county water to the house, but that water is not OURS like the well water was. It can be cut off in an instant, fostering more dependency, so they think. They better think again. When push comes to shove, I know where springs are for water, and I know how to tap the water vein running under this land, between the surface and the mine. I'm not as dependent on the Manor Lords as they think I am.

Now we have modern-day carpetbaggers running through rural areas building developments and pushing lumber prices up thereby, and other modern-day carpetbaggers sweeping through areas, buying up entire neighborhoods of single family dwelling units at prices often far in excess of market value. More "money for nothing". Then those same carpetbaggers are turning what used to be owned homes into rental units. Brand new modern-day "company towns".

Governments are telling us it's "equity housing", the right thing to do, that we are going to "build back better" in that way, and that we will "own nothing and be happy". Government Marxists, and Union Marxists, are once again in cahoots with the carpetbaggers. Nothing new there, either.

These developments do not leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling. We've seen this movie before out here.

They can have mine when their children have paid the price I paid for it, and I am dead and gone. Not until. I am no man's serf, no man's slave, and will not be made into one by flowery promises, bitcoin "scrip", and rental housing in company towns on a manor that is someone else's.

They can bite me, but they better bite fast, 'cause bullets travel around 2 or 3 thousand feet per second. I shit you not, what is occurring right now is every bit that serious, and there is no telling how many will be lulled by the siren's song until it is too late to escape. I don't intend to be one of them.

My maternal grand dad spent 40 years as a serf and slave to the Raven Red Ash Coal Company. Below is an example of the scrip they paid their workers with, "money" minted by the company and only redeemable with the company. It's a "1$ coin", front and back. If you look at the inscription on the back, you will see that it is "payable in merchandise only", and "not transferable". He died of cancer, unable to breathe from black lung, and unable to even get out of bed by himself after 40 years of that. Fat lot of good the UMWA Union or the government OSHA did for him. All of those sons of bitches, government, company, and union, were in cahoots when they weren't trying to kill one another off to get themselves a bigger part of the pie. The ones who suffered for THEIR greed were the workers and their families, the people.

The serfs.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9494]

Us hillbillies don't need any Marxists or BLM-ers to tell us what slavery, serfdom, and second-class citizenship looks like. Some of us agree with the Jewish motto of "Never Again". So, they can bring that shit on whenever they feel froggy. It's not going to be as easy as they think in some places.

That is how MY grand dad lived and died, on land that HIS grand dad fought a war to keep free, and HIS grand dad tore out of a wilderness with no help from any carpetbaggers - THEY were sitting on their asses in the cities, waiting for some poor soul to do the hard work for them so they could sweep in later and just take what wasn't theirs to take.

A few things to remember, lessons learned from a hard life: never become a refugee, never be a serf, and never give up. Go down fighting if you're gonna go down anyhow. Take some of their ears with you.

One more thing - now, just as then, the government, the unions, and the corporations are ALL in it together, those sons of bitches. Oh, they'll all TALK a good game about how each of them is for "the little man" against all the others, but they are not. They're goddamned liars. For evidence, look at how the unions pushed for BidenHarris to be elected so they could get on with their program of domination... and then lost all those union jobs on the pipeline, and elsewhere. They don't care, they're in on it, too. None of the union honchos lost any money or sleep over it, so what do they care? 

Then look at how the social media corporations are carrying water for the government, too, with all of their rampant censorship. They are doing the things to support the marxist government that it cannot do for itself, because it is illegal for government to do. Look at how government is moving to strengthen unions by forced membership, and defending the corrupt social media giants, because those giants are doing the government's bidding. 

They, all of them, are washing each other's backs, and withholding the water and the soap from US. They all CLAIM to be for us with their lip-service, but their actions demonstrate different. Don't trust ANY of those crooked asswipes. Ain't nobody going to look out for us but US, no matter what flowery promises the others make to try to lull us into a false sense of security. All this has happened before, and the results this time, when they are doing it yet again, are predictable.

That's how ALL government-social-economic systems work. Whether socialist, marxist, capitalist, communist, or any other "-ist", if you LET them take what is yours, and not theirs to take, they will, and they will get richer while you get poorer. And they will leave you with nothing, and they will tell you that you are happy about it. Better to die fighting than die from starvation at their whim after they have conquered folks because they would not fight.


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Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Messages In This Thread
No hope for real change? - by F2d5thCav - 06-12-2021, 01:53 PM
RE: No hope for real change? - by NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-12-2021, 03:41 PM
RE: No hope for real change? - by Ninurta - 06-12-2021, 08:30 PM
RE: No hope for real change? - by NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-12-2021, 08:56 PM
RE: No hope for real change? - by Ninurta - 06-13-2021, 06:43 AM
RE: No hope for real change? - by ABNARTY - 06-13-2021, 02:10 AM

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