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John Kerry aka U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
(01-31-2021, 04:12 AM)Finspiracy Wrote: Okay, @"Ninurta" 

Quote:The fact, the actual SCIENTIFIC fact, is that the carbon is here because it was always here. By making use of fossil fuels, people are not "adding" anything at all, They are RETURNING carbon that has previously been stolen from the ecosphere, the theft of which was a major contributing factor in generating ice ages. You know - those periods of time when the world froze over and nearly everyone died. They are returning Mother Earth to the equilibrium, the balance she had before the carbon was sequestered, locked away in a vault she could no longer access, and so she froze over instead.

Scientific facts can change. However, i do not know about this (Carbon is here because it was always here), and i believe you on this one. "Adding... Returning" Think of it this way: Me and you and a few more RN members are in a room, spending time. I have a massive fart within me. The fart is contained. If i release it, everyone suffers. And i know what an ice age is.

Yes, the carbon has always been here. It's only been locked away from the climate cycle by being sequestered away underground, in fossil fuels. It got there by getting incorporated into organisms as they metabolized and then died and got deposited in the Earth, locking away the carbon they had removed from the atmosphere. That caused the Earth to cool enough to create ice ages. Now it is being released again, and promoting an explosion of life just as it did the first time it was free.

Don't fart. That adds to global warming. Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Quote:Contrary to what the rich thieves and climate alarmists are telling us, CO2 is GOOD for the planet. It promotes the growth and diversity of life. Locking it away is what causes deserts to form. See, without CO2, plants suffocate - you don't have to cut down rain forests then, they die gasping.

I know what photosynthesis is.

So why do you promote a system that kills plants by making photosynthesis harder for them then?

Quote:"Combating Climate Change" is not our salvation, it is a recipe for our death. The rich folks stealing your money under the banner of "carbon credits" don't care at all about that.

The rich folks and the ruling elite do not need our money. They have almost all of it. What they want now, is more control and power over citizens. Maybe total control and power. Good work to benefit the environment will not help them with that.

Nope, they don't need our money at all, but they are taking it all the same through their "carbon credit" ponzi scheme. It's part of the control mechanism they have developed to seize total control and power. They are part of the same thing. I think where we differ here is just what we see as a "benefit to the environment". I believe making life easier for the proliferation of plants is a benefit to all of us, an improvement to the Earth. You seem to believe otherwise. It's just a difference in opinion.

Quote:Now they have placed one of those rich thieves as "climate czar" to oversee How YOUR money is spent in the US to destroy the climate. Didn't he marry into the Heinz 57 family of rich folks? How much of YOUR money do you think he will slide into his pockets under the guise of "saving the planet" form your evil god-like planet destroying powers?

I don't know anything about the Heinz 57 family. I am not evil, i am not god-like and the planet will not be destroyed.

The Heinz family got rich by making condiments and sauces, like ketchup and steak sauce ("Heinz 57" steak sauce). John Kerry married into it in order to improve his lot in life, including his financial portfolio. Kerry didn't make his money honestly, he married it.

No, you are not evil nor god-like, but the AGW Alarmists would like to get you to believe you have evil, god-like POWERS to destroy a planet. Not you, just your powers. That way, if they can get you to pay them to force you to rein in those powers, they get richer and gain more power and control, and you... and I... get less.

Quote:So it would be best to throw all climate deal agreements and regulations to the trashcan? The carbon has always been here, let's release it big time then. Every country and every factory and individual can pollute as much as they can?


You see, they are not dealing with "pollution" at all. What they are doing is trying to convince the populace that a gas necessary for the survival of plants, and therefore the animals who eat those plants, is actually not a good thing at all, it is a "pollutant". It's like declaring oxygen to be a pollutant. We'd die from that, but plants would not care at all, since their "oxygen" is CO2. The shoe is simply on the other foot. They want to suffocate plants, thinking that humans won't notice because we will not be gasping for oxygen. Not at first, anyhow. Remember, that oxygen we breath is produced as plants exhale during photosynthesis. Without CO2 and plants, we eventually don't get any oxygen, either.

SO - they need to scrap "climate agreements" and make agreements that address actual pollution instead.

Quote:Okay some things to sum it up: Sea levels are rising. Deserts are expanding. Temperatures are rising. Grapes can be grown here outdoor these days (Southern Finland). While it may be more lush and green at some areas, there are more areas that where once grew crops, now grows nothing.

If you want to continue this discussion, i would be interested to read your reply. This is educating and food for thought.

Yes indeed, sea levels are rising. They are not yet up to the levels they formerly enjoyed for most of Earth's history, but they are trying to get there. The rise is a combination of more water getting added from melting ice caps (which are abnormalities on Earth, going by history) and the expansion of liquids as they warm up. Somehow, people are being convinced that a return to normalcy is a bad thing.

Where are these alleged expanding deserts?

While there ARE areas that formerly grew crops and now grow nothing, that is more a function of lazy people than it is a function of bad land or climate. I live in one such area. When I was a kid, farms were everywhere. Now, they aren't, but only because people have stopped working them, not because the land has somehow "gone bad". It's still good, as the burgeoning forests in former pastures attest to.

I was looking through some old pictures taken in the front of this very house over 50 years ago when I was a child, and was amazed at the changes that have taken place in the land over my lifetime. Farms are gone, replace by a wild riot of random life. I don't consider life to be a bad thing.

In 1900, in the US, 97% of the population were farmers. Mostly small farms designed to feed a single family, but farmers all the same. Now the situation has flopped entirely the other way, and only 3% of Americans are farmers. It's not because the climate or the land is abandoning us, it's because too many people have decided "the good life" in the cities is the place to be. Like the AGW alarmists, they are neglecting the Earth, and the Earth will eventually neglect them as well if they continue.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: John Kerry aka U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate - by Ninurta - 01-31-2021, 09:40 PM

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