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John Kerry aka U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
(01-28-2021, 02:03 PM)Finspiracy Wrote: This is totally fine. Totally needed. And it is late. Most likely too late.

This is not going to be popular... But fuck it, i signed to be a member here, i did not sign in for a popularity contest.

Man-made climate change is real. Yes, climate has been changing for as long as there has been a climate. But to say that if we fill the oceans with plastic, drive around with with gas fueled cars, chop down out rain forests, pollute the air with endless flying... To say that it will not make a difference, is unrealistic to say the least.

It is a coping mechanism. To deny man-made climate change. That way, a person can deny his or her personal responsibility, regarding a real issue which will some day end us all, if we refuse to fix our ways. But people do what they do... go ahead, drive, fly, chop down, eat animals, and talk dirt online about the messengers, such as that kid Greta. (Yeah the mission was a failure... plenty of flying involved... but there was a message and conspiracy forums verbally murdered her, just like they are going to do to me now).

I wouldn't "murder" you for having an opinion, but I do have a different opinion I'm willing to expound upon.

It is the very apex of human hubris to think mankind has the ability to destroy an entire planet. Can't be done. That's nothing more than mere mortals attempting to claim the thrones of gods to which they are not entitled. They will find the seat cushions to be a bit large for them.

Climate change is real, always has been, always will be. It's the "man made" part that is a sham. That is moneyed interests trying to make poor folks feel better about their dismal lives by imputing to them the powers of gods to destroy worlds... and rake in a fair bit of the poor folks' money in the process. Rich folks are aware that they are not gods, but they prefer to be rich mortals at the expense of the poor, and in order to accomplish that, they make the poor think they have some awesome powers... so what do folks with awesome powers need with money? Just give your money to us - we can make better use of it.

Where do folks think that "added" carbon comes from? Outer space? Has to be - if it were already here previously, then of course it could not be "added". The fact, the actual SCIENTIFIC fact, is that the carbon is here because it was always here. By making use of fossil fuels, people are not "adding" anything at all, They are RETURNING carbon that has previously been stolen from the ecosphere, the theft of which was a major contributing factor in generating ice ages. You know - those periods of time when the world froze over and nearly everyone died. They are returning Mother Earth to the equilibrium, the balance she had before the carbon was sequestered, locked away in a vault she could no longer access, and so she froze over instead.

Contrary to what the rich thieves and climate alarmists are telling us, CO2 is GOOD for the planet. It promotes the growth and diversity of life. Locking it away is what causes deserts to form. See, without CO2, plants suffocate - you don't have to cut down rain forests then, they die gasping. 

The sequestration of too much carbon in coal is what cause the Carboniferous Rain Forst Collapse 300 million years ago, before any men were here to cut down rain forests. They starved to death instead. That also led to the desertification of the planet in the Permian which immediately followed the Carboniferous Rain Forest Collapse.

It causes the planet to become unnaturally cool, leading to ice ages. A side effect of cold is that cold air will no longer hold as much moisture, which again slaps the rain forests. Moisture falls out of the sky as snow, and instead of melting, it becomes permanently locked up in ice caps, denying even more moisture that plants need to live. Rain forests not only die gasping, they starve and die of thirst, too.

Sea levels fall as more and more of their water gets locked up in the ever growing ice caps. That leaves even less surface area in oceans to evaporate water from to create rains... leading to an exacerbation of the dessicating climate.

As ice caps increase in size, they reflect more of the sun's energy back into space, absorbing less of it on the Earth's surface, intensifying the cold and increasing the problem.

Deserts form and increase their size. There's not enough moisture left not locked up in ice caps for the cold air to produce the precipitation necessary to populate them.

When the plants die, animals - including people - die with them, since there is no longer a source of food, either directly or indirectly through other animals who needed the plants to eat before they died of starvation.

"Combating Climate Change" is not our salvation, it is a recipe for our death. The rich folks stealing your money under the banner of "carbon credits" don't care at all about that. They will have died of old age and spent their last ill-gotten gain long before generations far into the future are struggling to survive on what "carbon credits" have left them to live on as they desperately attempt to eke out their meager existences in a land where their ancestors had an embarrassment of riches.

Just in my lifetime, I have noticed a remarkable improvement as we still emerge from the last ice age that nearly killed us all. When I was young, every bit of land around here that you could stand upright enough on to cut down a tree was naked, denuded of the primal forests that formerly covered it in favor of pasture for cows. The only original forests left were on mountain slopes where one could not stand up long enough to hold a chainsaw. Now, the forests are returning. Former pastures of my youth are covered in young, first growth timber. Brush and tangled liana vines are everywhere now, and increasing. This area I live in right now has been rated as either the second or third most biodiverse area on your planet. I can't recall which, but I do recall that it is just beneath the Amazon basin for biodiversity.

But, it's not just my lifetime. When I was a kid, I knew an old man who told me the river used to freeze over and stay frozen every winter when HE was a kid. They used to take horses and sleds out onto the frozen surface of the river and cut huge chunks of ice out of the surface, and take them back home by the sled full to fill "ice houses", packing them in sawdust for insulation to retain the ice through the coming summer months to keep their food cold enough to avoid spoilage.

It has been 40 years now since I last saw the river freeze entirely over... and it was a rare occurrence even back then.

200 and odd years ago, we had "the year with no summer". It was cold enough that winter remained throughout that year. Crops failed. People starved.

And THAT is what the "climate reformers" want to bring back to us. 

No thanks. I like my verdant greenery and ability to eat.

Now they have placed one of those rich thieves as "climate czar" to oversee How YOUR money is spent in the US to destroy the climate. Didn't he marry into the Heinz 57 family of rich folks? How much of YOUR money do you think he will slide into his pockets under the guise of "saving the planet" form your evil god-like planet destroying powers? He will be injuring the planet instead for the entire time he is picking your pockets.

That, too, is "setting the fox to guard the hen house".

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: John Kerry aka U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate - by Ninurta - 01-28-2021, 08:24 PM

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