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Rods quote of the day : 10th July 2020

"if a grasshopper could fire a .45, the birds wouldn't fuck with him."

"if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass when he hopped."

 "if you play with fire, you get burned."
"If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of house payments."

"if you stay high all the time, other people are more interesting."

"if you play on the interstate highway, chances are you'll get run over"

" “If a person smiles all the time, their probably high."

" if it's the thought that counts, then there are a lot of dead motherfuckers out there."

" if you slap the stupid out of Social Justice Warriors, there is nothing left."

" if you think air is free, buy a bag of potato chip when you have the munchies."

" if you want to see others point of view, you may have to stick your head up your own ass."

 "if farts are like kids, i'm proud of mine and disgusted by yours."

some stoned dude years ago

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RE: Rods quote of the day : 10th July 2020 - by hounddoghowlie - 07-10-2020, 02:22 PM

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