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My Ghost (hopefully not a demon) Experience
(06-28-2020, 08:14 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote: How about anybody here, has anyone ever experienced something sitting next to you that wasn't there?

I have actually had quite a few incidents where I interacted with something that I could not see. I might get around to sharing a few, but the part about feeling something sit next to you in the bed, brings heavily to mind a similar incident.

I was not asleep. I was praying for sleep because I was in agony. For some reason I developed a spontaneous dislocation in my cervical spine and I could find no position of comfort. Even with my head on a pillow it felt too heavy for my neck, and as if it was going to fall off. I was in tears and ready to give up. I prayed to God to please just take me. I cried to him that I could not take the pain any more and I was ready to come home. I had been bed-bound for three months. I was not living, I was existing, and I was a burden to my family.

My mother lives with me, but she had gone out with my brother to her doctor's appointment. So I was all alone. While lying there I felt something huge sit on my bed. It was so heavy that it shifted the mattress underneath me. The entire room went still and I could feel someone pulling me onto their chest. I could feel their body solid under me, and I was being held the way you hold a child. There was no noise but a feeling came over me I will never be able to fully or accurately describe. A feeling of such bliss and contentment, of pure joy, that I almost celebrated the pain.

The craziest thing is that the pain did not lessen one tiny bit. It just no longer mattered. I didn't care about that pain. I just wanted to continue being held like a baby, basking in that feeling that I can't explain. I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up, I remember crying because the feeling was gone and the being holding me was no longer with me. I cried. I wanted nothing as much as I wanted that feeling to come back. I woke up able to actually get out of bed. I was able to walk without assistance. I was not pain free, but I could function for the first time in three whole months. This happened in 2014 and I have been mobile and fulling functioning ever since.

I refuse to spoil the miracle or cheapen the gift of my experience by trying to guess who or what it was that came to visit me that day. I rejoice in the fact that God answered my prayers in such a tangible and undeniable way. And for those that will say it was due to some medication or illegal substance, I was not on any medications for over a month before my visit, not even a Tylenol. The medication had messed up my stomach so bad that my Chron's was in full exacerbation and I could barely tolerate water.

So the answer to your question is a resounding "YES!".

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RE: My Ghost (hopefully not a demon) Experience - by NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-28-2020, 02:25 PM

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