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A Guide for Past Life Regression
Here is one account from a member here on RN, SpiritScribe, although she used the video that was removed from the other site.

Fascinating results!

Quote:Well, I did the regression and boy did I get results. The childhood memory was not from this life, I found myself a little boy maybe 2 or even less. I was barely stable on my feet, and I was dressed in a light blue sailor suit with a little hat. It had little bits of a darker blue, a little white, and little red things near the neck and on the hat. I was so happy, grinning from ear to ear, because I was at a pond or in a park or something, feeding ducks with my parents. I felt so loved, cherished and protected that I started to tear up, because I've never felt that in this lifetime.

The birthing experience for this lifetime was not nice, because I was born with the cord wrapped around my neck, and in this experience it started to hurt a little around my neck and throat. I remembered Dr. Weiss saying "No pain," and it went away except for a little pressure. My mother almost died having me and my father was at work, nowhere near the hospital when I was born, so this part was not a barrel of laughs for me. I felt so little affection.

Next I think I was in Peru, it looked like the area. I was looking at my dark brown feet, then I saw myself as a little girl, maybe 8. I had long straight black hair. When I looked around, I saw an old woman with a wrinkled, leathery face. She was wearing a cape with all kinds of intense bright colors, like one would see in Peru. She was bent forward, like she was carrying a large burden or bundle on her back.

My significant event was my death, and I felt very feverish, burning up, and everything was blurry. I was having trouble breathing. When I was instructed to float above myself, I was surprised to see I was very old, and had a lot of white hair. The old woman I saw earlier had dark gray hair.

I was totally alone in a round hut type of structure, farthest away from the door and against the back wall. A small fire was in front of me. I was wondering why no one was there as I lay there dying. I thought maybe I was shunned, or maybe I was dying of something contagious.

I encountered the Archangel Michael behind the door to the other side. At first I thought Michael, then I wondered, "Or is it Gabriel?" That didn't feel right, so I again thought of Michael and felt that this was correct. He was the essence of pure white light, and I couldn't make out any facial features. The significant lesson or message for me? I saw two hands softly joining, as if in a marriage ceremony. Narrow ribbons were placed over both hands.

So what I take away from all this is... I once had a glorious lifetime where I was loved. Oh, I forgot to mention that I saw my mother holding onto me in that one, and she was young and pretty, wearing one of those long straight skirts like women wore in the thirties or forties. It relates to this lifetime, because I have a picture of me feeding ducks at an aunt's house when I was little. Similar experience, but not the same feeling.

Then I was plopped into this life, I suppose to see how it is to not have the same loving family as I had once before. I was able to see clearly the differences in the two lifetimes. Then comes the lifetime in Peru. I lived and died alone, but I had the feeling I had several kids in that lifetime. No one cared enough to be with me, or maybe everyone had died and that made me a bitter old woman, I don't know.

So here I am in this lifetime, totally alone except for my cat, and I was being shown by Michael that I need to allow someone to get close to me and love me. If I don't, I'm going to repeat the lifetime where I died alone. Trouble is, I feel safer alone than trying to find someone to grow old with. If I don't let anybody in, they can't hurt me. So I guess now I'll have to work on my fears of getting hurt to find some happiness in my old age. And that is getting closer every day!

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Guide for Past Life Regression - by Mystic Wanderer - 06-22-2020, 04:58 PM
RE: A Guide for Past Life Regression - by Wallfire - 06-22-2020, 06:23 PM
RE: A Guide for Past Life Regression - by Ninurta - 06-22-2020, 06:40 PM
RE: A Guide for Past Life Regression - by guohua - 06-23-2020, 01:04 AM

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