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Music! The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
Music is awesome and I just don't want to find any reason to ever say there is a bad side to it.  :(  However, everything has a good and bad side I suppose.

I use music as a healing tool, because it brings me such joy.  Even in times when i hear a song which invokes a sad memory  and it makes me cry... I feel this is a healing process because I typically feel better after the needed cry.  A release of sorts...

On the negative side,  am I on drugs by listening to music ?  Well in my mind, No, not the kind of drug that is addictive and dangerous.  A naturally occurring drug...perhaps.  I was given ears to hear for a reason...and music is definitely a good choice I make to hear loud and clear.  I go into it with a positive thought too so perhaps it stays positive for me as a result.

I feel bad for anyone who has a negative reaction or occurrence because of music.

Awesome Thread !

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RE: Music! The Good, The Bad and The Ugly! - by allusion - 11-29-2016, 11:48 PM

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