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The Grey Man Of Ben Macdui
(06-08-2022, 11:41 AM)gordi Wrote: OK, it was me.
There's a nice pub in Aviemore and one Whisky led to another.... what can I say?

Most of the reports that I've seen regarding the Grey Man of Ben Macdui fit very well within the characteristics of the "Broken Spectre" explanation.
There was a documentary a while back, where they visited Ben Macdui and tried to re-create the conditions which might explain many of the "sightings". It was quite remarkable how scary the phenomena (and that place) is!
The upper reaches of Ben Macdui are remote, barren, rocky, isolated and oppressive, with jagged rock formations, often covered with snow & ice. It's a scary place to be, and the nature of the slab-sided rock formations creates many weird echoes...
Strange footsteps following your own are often reported, which seem to stop when you do... (Could that just be weird echoes?)

Also, the rising mists/low cloud can definitely create the "broken spectre" imagery which was mentioned in the video.
That is basically where the low sun projects your own shadow onto a bank of cloud/fog/mist creating a huge humanoid shadow figure, which (obviously) follows your own movements.

The oppressive, isolated & lonely nature of the remote location, when combined with strange echoing footsteps and a huge grey man-shadow would be a VERY scary thing to experience. And it could explain a great many of the encounters.

I haven't previously heard about any persistent hum or strange languages heard, I may need to look into that a wee bit.


Is this the same phenomena as the Gray man of Ben Bulben, or is that a different Gray Man?

I once heard an odd "clanking" noise in the night time coming from the ground at my feet, but never a hum. We have also recorded "sky noises" here, at this location, but again not a hum. the only hums I have heard "out there" were explainable by millions of bees working millions of flowers in the spring time, and the cumulative effect sounded like a hum coming from the Earth itself.

Regarding the strange optical effects, I have seen what appears to be sun rays coming out of the ground opposite from where the sun was (in the west when the sun was rising in the east, for example), and was intrigued enough to take photos, but they turned out to be an odd optical phenomena called "crepuscular rays" where the sun rays traverse the entire sky, and appear to converge in the distance, and the eastern sky is too bright to show the actual source of the rays. The convergence maked them look like they are rising from a single point on the Earth where there is no sun to generate them

Lotta weird shit in this world with explanations that are not immediately apparent.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Messages In This Thread
The Grey Man Of Ben Macdui - by guohua - 06-07-2022, 10:41 PM
RE: The Grey Man Of Ben Macdui - by gordi - 06-08-2022, 11:41 AM
RE: The Grey Man Of Ben Macdui - by guohua - 06-08-2022, 04:36 PM
RE: The Grey Man Of Ben Macdui - by Ninurta - 06-09-2022, 05:33 AM
RE: The Grey Man Of Ben Macdui - by gordi - 06-10-2022, 04:17 PM

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