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What to do with all these useless people ?
(05-30-2022, 03:07 AM)ChiefD Wrote: I have questions. Is this a joke? Who the fuck is this guy? Is this video a deep fake, punking us all? I have a difficult time believing that someone would go and make comments like this in public, for millions of people to see. If it’s real, it’s completely outrageous. If this dude is real, he is batshit crazy, and is probably taking some bad drugs. I can’t believe I got through four minutes of this. Ick. minusculebonker

In the occult schools and in the Bulgarian legal rights there is a principle called silent agreement/sufferance.
Illuminati are following it. They should inform you what they plan to do and if you do agree(not doing anything against it) they continue.
в ближайшем будущем во всем мире  потребление сильно упадет (включая сокращение продуктов питания)  ... Кто будет возражать -  будуть  закрывать рот силой...  Причем аргументация будет -   экологической... Разумная земля (природа, ноосфера) - важнее человека...

28 07 19|14 = 68
01 09 19|39 = 68
24 02 20|22 = 68
I need to figure out what does 68 means

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RE: What to do with all these useless people ? - by SimeonJ - 05-30-2022, 09:52 AM

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