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Who Wants To Live Forever
(04-20-2022, 01:58 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: Maybe we are looking at this all wrong.

Eternal life. What is it really? It is not about keeping our physical bodies. So what are they trying to keep? Some would say our brains. But what good is an old or damaged brain?

I think what they want to persevere is our memories. What we know. Our experiences. They don't need our brains for that. So the short and the sweet of it, is they want our data. And they don't even need our brains or our bodies for that.

The way the system is set up, we provide them with every thought, every experience, every event that will become a memory, every time we communicate online. With every keystroke, every utterance to Alexa, Google, or any digital assistant. We generate a massive collection of our memories/data even through our interactions with others, sweet pure data.

All they have to do is find a way to encapsulate all of the data into a tiny chip. A neuro implant if you will, and there you have it. Life in a chip. Data on command. A way to live forever. I guess they have to make sure they make backups, in case you get accidentally erased.

Just a thought.

Explanation: ...

I want the JAB! Give Me The JAB!

CRISPR Offers the Potential to Live Forever, But to What End? Chinese scientists have successfully prolonged the lives of mice by using CRISPR.

Quote:The CRISPR/Cas 9 study found a gene tied to cellular senescence (which tells cells to stop growing) and also, that CRISPR/Cas9 treatment can make partially dormant the aging process. CRISPR/Cas9 treatment allowed mice to live 25% longer and be physically stronger. Biologists see these results being relatively easy to reproduce on humans in a clinical setting.

Personal Disclosure: Further reading ...

Protein tweak makes CRISPR gene editing 4,000 times less error-prone

Our Bodies Age in Three Distinct Shifts, According to More Than 4,000 Blood Tests

OL at beez - "Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, it's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake. I drink it up!"

Do not engage in useless activity ... and ... from one thing, know many things!

Think Globally, Act Locally, Feel Internally ... Wash, Rinse, Dry and Repeat!

It's Just A Ride!

Messages In This Thread
Who Wants To Live Forever - by NightskyeB4Dawn - 04-20-2022, 01:58 AM
RE: Who Wants To Live Forever - by OmegaLogos - 04-20-2022, 04:08 AM
RE: Who Wants To Live Forever - by kdog - 04-20-2022, 08:29 AM
RE: Who Wants To Live Forever - by ancientlight - 04-20-2022, 07:45 PM

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