04-05-2022, 09:04 PM
(04-05-2022, 05:30 PM)Snarl Wrote: It's not the little guy who figures out how much he 'owes'. There's always been somebody 'up there' making that call ... followed by, "Or else!!"
1. I voted (against all of my better judgement for Trump ... twice) against the other guy. Though I have grave reservations over election-rigging. The curves and the spike are a just a dead giveaway.
2. I'm not a redistribution of wealth kind'a guy. But ... if we're forced to pay ... then everyone should pay at the exact same threshold of pain. A single individual who has managed to amass way more than anyone else shouldn't get to make the rules that it's simply a dollar-for-dollar individual responsibility. Are you taking a percentage of money out of my pocket? I want the same percentage out of yours. Let Elon brag that he's paid the most taxes of any one person EVER. I didn't lose a minute of sleep over him paying what was owed. Elizabeth Warren though? I rather she keeps her ounces of gold while I get pounds of her flesh.
3. I'd like to hear other people's opinions on this particular element. The person I'd like to hear a defense from is @"AugustusMasonicus". I'm sure he has a developed perspective.
Would I feel better about Sharpe paying $10,000 per gallon of gas? Nope. I'd be in too much pain from filling up my Tundra to feel good about much of anything. You don't see me proposing taxes on anything. I'm in the highest 'paying' bracket. You stick the little guy for $20/gal ... and I can only imagine the cost to me.
I'm sure you realized my statements were really just thoughts out loud about various angles and permutations of thought on the interesting questions you laid forth, and not a response directly to you (as if you were supporting such notions as I opined about), correct?
Your response to #3 is curious. Once again, you've posed an interesting question wherein at face value there is perhaps one 'easy' answer, but upon further consideration there may be several angles and/or interpretations requiring a multi-layered and qualified response.
You're on a roll here with this one, Snarl! ?