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The War Machine
Quote:Altogether, since the Russian incursion into Ukraine in the summer of 2014, the United States has appropriated up to $2.9 billion for direct assistance to Ukraine.

Quote:FY22 Omnibus versus Ukraine Supplemental Request (Mar 9, 2022)

Exactly one week ago, the Biden Administration requested an Emergency Supplemental Appropriation to, among other things, respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The portion of that request to help Ukraine was a robust $10 billion.

Now, one measly week later, the Congress has released the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Omnibus appropriations bill that incorporates that supplemental request. But, and it’s a big but (yes, we’re 12 years old) the total to respond to Russian aggression is now $13.6 billion. Yep. That’s inflation for you.

I seriously doubt all that $$$ is going towards Zelnesky's plea for 'war' aid. More like toward WEF/John Kerry Net-Zero / Green agenda. Even a few years ago Leftists would have raised hell over a such an obscene amount of Military spending. They would have at least pretended to care. Now, they cheer it on...more, more. Ukraine is like Israel. Billions of American tax dollars are funneled there every year for decades, but we don't get a say in their politics, and it's forever a battle zone or at least how msm portrays it.

[Image: Odyb6d1.jpg]

Flashback to a 2014 Corbett Report, Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis:
Quote:Audio of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland apparently dictating who the US wanted “in” and “out” of the supposedly grassroots-supported interim government only came as a surprise to those who did not believe Washington or its allies in the Washington Consensus were actively involved with the ongoing protests in the country. As did the revelation of her admission last December that the US had already pumped $5 billion into the funding of the Ukrainian opposition.

As did the appearance of confirmed terrorist supporter John McCain at a rally with the leader of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Svoboda party leader. As did the appointment of a central banker as the interim Prime Minister and his immediate announcement that the country was in talks with the US, EU, and IMF for emergency loans. As did the appearance of a slick new viral propaganda video in English promoting the supposedly grassroots uprising which was immediately exposed as finding its “inspiration” in Council on Foreign Relations member Larry Diamond, who has worked closely with the same N.E.D. and USAid that were linked to the 2004 Orange Revolution.

Wherever there's a regime change, there's usually:

- National Endowment For Democracy (NED)
- Freedom House
- National Democratic Institute
- International Republican Institute
- Open Society Foundation, or connected Soros afiliated group.

This appears to be a sister org to Chatham House & CFR:

Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) - one of their many partners is RAND Corp., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Global Zero.

They will use whatever means necessary to implement their NWO aka "Great Reset." They will use pandemics, climate change, cyber polygon, fake energy crisis, food & water shortages, gas/oil crisis, more Pfizer jabs, false-flags, psychological ops that take on a life of their own, thousands pouring across our southern border, and wars to finalize the destruction of Western civilization. This is all justified in their eyes so they can "build back better" in their image.

Note this Kissinger quote...

"To treat Ukraine as part of an East-West confrontation would scuttle for decades any prospect to bring Russia and the West — especially Russia and Europe — into a cooperative international system."
WaPo archive

Kissinger: "It is a war between the Jews and the non-Jews" (2018, referring to the White House)

Kissinger tried to control Trump in which he became uncontrollable. Bannon wanted Kushner and Kissinger out of the Whote House - Bannon lost... He then went after Kissinger & Associates and lost when he was arrested on border wall charges. Still Trump pardoned him. With Trump not doing as instructed, Kissinger put in Biden with a highly compromised son and father.

Klaus BlohSchwab's mentor was Henry Kissinger. Eternal Vigilance

[Image: 2MjuXwu.jpg]

[Image: 8LPUt6e.jpg]

[Image: 0tKDcNU.jpg]

The US spends more on its military than the rest of the top 10 highest spending countries combined.
U.S. Military Spending Compared to rest of world

"The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception."
— Friedrich August von Hayek
"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon

Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.

Messages In This Thread
The War Machine - by EndtheMadnessNow - 04-05-2022, 05:51 PM
RE: The War Machine - by NightskyeB4Dawn - 04-05-2022, 06:07 PM

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