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BREAKING: NYPD Has Just Come Forward To CONVICT Hillary
Quote:Grace wrote:

But there is one thing to point out, Trump's drawing huge crowds to his rallies.. huge, even to this day. Those who are not attending, are watching the podcasts of the events .. last night he had in excess of 50,000 watching live and thousands and thousands at the rally itself (these are just the people who watched live, not to include those who will be watching later or catching the highlights from the news). Clinton is simply not drawing the same crowds - not even close.

That is so true, and it is without having to depend on celebs to get the people to attend.

Trump himself is the draw.

I had to turn the channel today when it aired Hillary speaking at a rallie.
What with her squealy voice and her phony attempt at smiling and trying to be "part of the people".
It was sickening, especially when she goes into talking about uniting people and bringing this country together.
And stopping the greed on Wall  Street.....LMAO on that one. You know she is full of shit there.

Oh yeah, that is where your "2 stories" come into play. One you blow smoke up the publics azz telling them you are going to put a stop to the rampant greed on Wall Street.
All the while you tell your cronies who paid you high dollars for you to speak, you tell them how stupid the people are and will believe anything you say. No worries, I got you guys covered. (wink and nod)

 And she herself insulted half the Nation by calling Trump supporters basket of deplorables, some of who were irredeemable along with a string of labels such as sexist/racist/bigot/Islamophobic etc etc.... just for supporting a Man that wants to bring change to D.C. as well as make America first before outsiders.


Trump is also a natural when it comes to connecting with the public.
Hillary not so much.
She is to scripted, to robotic. Even her attempts at 'smiling' come across as staged, meaning not given in a natural way.

Oh well, just wish we didn't have to listen to her bullshit for the next 4 years, but we just may have to if she gets elected. sigh.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: BREAKING: NYPD Has Just Come Forward To CONVICT Hillary - by senona - 11-08-2016, 06:01 AM

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