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BREAKING: NYPD Has Just Come Forward To CONVICT Hillary
@"senona" (hopefully I managed the tag correctly) yes, I'm with you on holding out hope

On the third, 538 came out with an electoral map that showed the possibility of a dead heat between Trump and Hillary, so much so it could end up possibly in the house.. I haven't seen if they have changed their minds since this FBI stunt.. and it's so close now to election it'll be a wait and see scenario anyway I think..

But there is one thing to point out, Trump's drawing huge crowds to his rallies.. huge, even to this day. Those who are not attending, are watching the podcasts of the events .. last night he had in excess of 50,000 watching live and thousands and thousands at the rally itself (these are just the people who watched live, not to include those who will be watching later or catching the highlights from the news). Clinton is simply not drawing the same crowds - not even close.

Part of this, in my opinion is that in order to know what Trump's saying without biased spin, is to hear it from Trump's mouth. The media has forced a position where we have to hear Trump in full. However, that doesn't account for the whole of it either.. people are excited about him, huge crowds cheering...and it's an excitement that Clinton isn't getting. 

People are forced in cities to hide their support of Trump or face vandalism or worse, and we also have to wonder, are they biasing the polls (as we saw in leaked emails) in order to dishearten Trump's supporters? 

I don't know about anyone else, but I cried myself to sleep last night so sad for the state we are in, in this nation. I never expected to see anything like this here when I was young, I still sometimes wonder how on earth it even got to this point! So is it that they are trying to discourage us, to make us defeat ourselves on election day, by calling it a lost cause and staying home? 

So, we must take heart, and @"mystic wanderer" stay off line if we have to in order to stay happy and stop crying, (I'm with you there!) And keep hope alive because none of us can say we have been polled, as a matter of fact not one Trump supporter I know has been polled, so we keep heart, vote Tuesday and see when we wake up on Wednesday morning what happened while we were sleeping. 

Perhaps it will be on Wednesday, that we won't want to cry any more, but rather we will have cause to celebrate.

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RE: BREAKING: NYPD Has Just Come Forward To CONVICT Hillary - by Grace - 11-07-2016, 02:00 PM

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