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Military Doctor testifies in court that she was ordered to cover up & suppress huge a
Every year there is a Paris-Nice race which always marks the opening of the cycling season in the spring, This year the race had 154 participants but, only 59 managed to finish due to not feeling well.
Quote:Extreme wave of disease creates battlefield in platoon: 'Maybe a result of the vaccination'
[Image: 53acb50f855c6669bc78cf700ade7308?s=140&d=identicon&r=g] Robin de BoerMarch 25, 2022 13:00
11116,0781 minute reading time

Photo: Iljo Keisse during the Giro d'Italia in 2017 ( [url=,_keisse_gaviria_(34343445883).jpg?lightbox=off]filip bossuyt
CC BY 2.0 )
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Italian cyclist Sonny Colbrelli collapsed on Monday after the first stage in the Tour of Catalonia, in which he finished second behind Australian Michael Matthews.
The European road champion and most recent winner of Paris-Roubaix received a chest compressions and was then taken to hospital. After the sprint Colbrelli was unconscious. He was transported to hospital in stable condition.
What happened to Colbrelli in Catalonia keeps the whole pack busy. There are many sick people. Tom Teulingkx, president of the Belgian Association of Sports and Examination Doctors (VSK), said: "We have regularly seen athletes with myo- and pericarditis in recent weeks."
Never experienced
When asked whether he has experienced the wave of illness that is now blowing through the peloton, Belgian cyclist Iljo Keisse from Quick Step-Alpha Vinyl answered : “Never, no never. Never experienced this extreme before.”
"A few sick people within the team, but now just teams that can only start with one man or even teams that arrive with no one, I've never seen that," said Keisse.
“How do you think that is, that battlefield?” was the next question.
"I have no idea, maybe because of those masks, that your immunity drops a bit and that you get infected very quickly, that's one possibility," Keisse replied. “It may be a lot worse than everyone thinks. It may also be a result of the vaccination . That could be. Nobody knows. Hopefully we will know soon.”

In november 2021 heeft het prestigieuze tijdschrift voor cardiologie, de Journal of the American Heart Association, een dringende waarschuwing uitgegeven over experimentele mRNA-vaccins: Abstract 10712: mRNA COVID vaccins verhogen drastisch de endotheliale ontstekingsmarkers en het risico op acuut coronair syndroom (ACS), zoals gemeten met de PULS harttest: een waarschuwing.
Wij concluderen dat de mRNA-vaccins de endotheelontsteking en de T-celinfiltratie van het myocard drastisch doen toenemen en de oorzaak kunnen zijn van verhoogde trombose, cardiomyopathieën en andere vasculaire gebeurtenissen.
Opmerking: dit is de meest voor de hand liggende verklaring voor de dramatische toename van instortingen in top- en amateursporten, want het is bekend dat hartspierontsteking en trombose bijzonder gevaarlijk zijn voor sporters, schrijft Jan Walter.

More on the race Maybe no connection with the jabb but interesting one way or the other.

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RE: Military Doctor testifies in court that she was ordered to cover up & suppress huge a - by 727Sky - 03-29-2022, 12:28 PM

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