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A Holographic Creation Story
(03-24-2022, 08:25 AM)OmegaLogos Wrote: Explanation: 

Holographic principle

Some physicists believe we're living in a giant hologram — and it's not that far-fetched

Quote:The idea isn't that the universe is some sort of fake simulation out of The Matrix, but rather that even though we appear to live in a three-dimensional universe, it might only have two dimensions. It's called the holographic principle.
The thinking goes like this: Some distant two-dimensional surface contains all the data needed to fully describe our world — and much like in a hologram, this data is projected to appear in three dimensions. Like the characters on a TV screen, we live on a flat surface that happens to look like it has depth.
It might sound absurd. But when physicists assume it's true in their calculations, all sorts of big physics problems — such as the nature of black holes and the reconciling of gravity and quantum mechanics — become much simpler to solve. In short, the laws of physics seem to make more sense when written in two dimensions than in three.
"It's not considered some wild speculation among most theoretical physicists," says Leonard Susskind, the Stanford physicist who first formally defined the idea decades ago. "It's become a working, everyday tool to solve problems in physics."

Study reveals substantial evidence of holographic universe

Could Our Universe Be 2-Dimensional? Black Holes Offer A Clue

Symmetries Reveal Clues About the Holographic Universe Physicists have been busy exploring how our universe might emerge like a hologram out of a two-dimensional sheet. New clues have come from the symmetries found on an infinitely distant “celestial sphere.” 

[Image: Holography_2880x1620_Lede.jpg]
Researchers have long studied how gravity might emerge from a two-dimensional surface in hyperbolic spaces such as this one. In our own universe, the surface would be infinitely far away.

Personal Disclosure: Here are my thoughts on a flat 2d holographic reality ...

Flat Earth Theory (by Bloodstained)

(03-17-2022, 03:59 AM)OmegaLogos Wrote: Explanation: The answers that I'd give you would totally depend and hinge upon a few certain factors ok.

1stly] Is this about facts or about faith eh? (I strongly suggest that you pick a side now and that we don't mix the two things up together as they tend to be very explosive when combined.)

2ndly] FROM A FAITH BASED PERSPECTIVE The theory goes like this in a simplified summary. The Flat Earth is all about what the bible says about our world etc. and therefor Atheists use false satanic factual sounding pseudoscience(*** see below ***)  to undermine peoples faith in God and his bible by trying to portray the world as a globe aka oblate spheroid or simply a 3D ball shape, as doing so denies Gods existence! However, they conveniently forget that all a ball earth proves that this reality is fallen and therefor Satan exists and correspondingly God therefor also exists so there is no escaping that end station of the train of logic.

3rdly] FROM A FACTS BASED PERSPECTIVE The theory goes like this in a simplified summary. The Facts that the earths shadow during Luna eclipses is round and that the sunrises in the east and sets in the west and that ships and planes both disappear below the horizon, when at great distances from the viewer, compared to sea level etc. ALL combine as a set of convincing cherry-picked and selected individual facts whose collective logic leads one to KNOW that the earth is a globe, oblate spheroid and or ball shape. Now Facts destroy faith as facts do not require belief to work and they work most of the time and space, hence I do NOT believe in Facts at all! I either KNOW a Fact or I don't. This frees me up to believe in whatever I want to believe in.

4th And finally *** from above ***] FROM A FACTS AND FAITH MIXED BAG PERSPECTIVE (WARNING EXPLOSIVE INFO!) The theory goes like this in a simplified summary. The science,in the form of holographic principle, says that there is no such dimensional axis known as UP/DOWN and that ...

Quote:The idea isn't that the universe is some sort of fake simulation out of The Matrix, but rather that even though we appear to live in a three-dimensional universe, it might only have two dimensions. It's called the holographic principle.
The thinking goes like this: Some distant two-dimensional surface contains all the data needed to fully describe our world — and much like in a hologram, this data is projected to appear in three dimensions. Like the characters on a TV screen, we live on a flat surface that happens to look like it has depth.
It might sound absurd. But when physicists assume it's true in their calculations, all sorts of big physics problems — such as the nature of black holes and the reconciling of gravity and quantum mechanics — become much simpler to solve. In short, the laws of physics seem to make more sense when written in two dimensions than in three.
"It's not considered some wild speculation among most theoretical physicists," says Leonard Susskind, the Stanford physicist who first formally defined the idea decades ago. "It's become a working, everyday tool to solve problems in physics."

Holographic Principle wiki

Therefore hills, mountains and valleys etc all don't really exist and the only they appear like that is because Satan has poorly origami 3d folded our 2d earth surface flat land to appear 3 dimensional oblate spheroid globe ball. That its not a perfect ORB and has hills, mountains and valleys prove that its a poor satanic demonic folding job because we can see the pleats of flat time (The Universe Is Flat — Now What?) and space in those formations. Hence from a proper scientific point of view God exists because reality doesn't contradict the bible when viewed properly and from the right place and direction etc.

Personal Disclosure: So one must face and possess either full faith or be deceived by antifactual pseudoscience falsehoods whilst trying to positively discern and determine the real facts out for ourselves.

Here is the problem ... science states that homo sapiens sensory nervous system is faulty and simple optical illusions and magic tricks and mirages prove that fact, hence we can not rely on them at all and therefore in Quantum physics: our study suggests objective reality doesn’t exist.

Objective Reality Doesn't Exist, Quantum Experiment Shows

Odds on that God exists, says scientist

Quote:A scientist has calculated that there is a 67% chance that God exists.
Dr Stephen Unwin has used a 200-year-old formula to calculate the probability of the existence of an omnipotent being. Bayes' Theory is usually used to work out the likelihood of events, such as nuclear power failure, by balancing the various factors that could affect a situation.

The Manchester University graduate, who now works as a risk assessor in Ohio, said the theory starts from the assumption that God has a 50/50 chance of existing, and then factors in the evidence both for and against the notion of a higher being.
Factors that were considered included recognition of goodness, which Dr Unwin said makes the existence of God more likely, countered by things like the existence of natural evil - including earthquakes and cancer.
The unusual workings - which even take into account the existence of miracles - are set out in his new book, which includes a spreadsheet of the data used so that anyone can make the calculation themselves should they doubt its validity. The book, The Probability of God: A simple calculation that proves the ultimate truth, will be published later this month.
Dr Unwin said he was interested in bridging the gap between science and religion. He argues that rather than being a theological issue, the question of God's existence is simply a matter of statistics.

Pascal's wager wiki

Quote:Pascal's wager is a philosophical argument presented by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, theologian, mathematician, and physicist, Blaise Pascal (1623–1662).[1] It posits that human beings wager with their lives that God either exists or does not.

Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas if God does exist, he stands to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (an eternity in Hell).

[Image: Pascal%27s%20Wager.gif]

[Image: 35fda785c40897d47ac210251923f9df.jpeg]

I hope that has dispelled the myths about flat earth for you @Bloodstained !







Quote:Solipsism (/ˈsɒlɪpsɪzəm/ ([Image: 11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png]listen); from Latin solus 'alone', and ipse 'self')[1] is the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind.

James Moriarty (hologram) 

Quote:"You – or someone – asked your computer to program a nefarious fictional character from nineteenth century London – and that is how I arrived... but I am no longer that creation. I am no longer that character, I have changed. I am alive – I am aware of my own consciousness."

– James Moriarty, 2365 ("Elementary, Dear Data")

Ship in a Bottle (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

The Egg By: Andy Weir

I hope this all makes connected logical sense ok?

Are we God yet?

SUMMARY: God and SATAN exist, reality is a holographic [aka flat] simulation, only you exist, therefor you MUST logically BE GOD AND SATAN!

Thats incompatible and hence reality is fallen and we must choose ONE attitude only, towards or away from God, to fully get to heaven or hell.

Take your pick as life is what you make of it.

Behold ... Here is the face of God ok ...
[Image: 994890712c41a370aa5450dcde702782_w200.gif]

Deducing the IQ level of the Original and Prime Universal Observer! Just how smart are/were they?

I could go on and on about the fractal nature of holograms and hence reality but will just instead close out with the equation God used to create everything from nothing ...

0% NOT= 100%


TL:DR - ...

When I had my first legitimate acid trip, I realized that there is a hell and it's terrifying.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Holographic Creation Story - by guohua - 03-24-2022, 06:50 AM
RE: A Holographic Creation Story - by OmegaLogos - 03-24-2022, 08:25 AM
RE: A Holographic Creation Story - by guohua - 03-24-2022, 07:28 PM
RE: A Holographic Creation Story - by Bloodstained - 03-25-2022, 04:14 PM
RE: A Holographic Creation Story - by WonderCow - 03-24-2022, 09:18 AM
RE: A Holographic Creation Story - by guohua - 03-24-2022, 07:26 PM

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