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Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner
(10-29-2016, 05:47 AM)1984hasarrived Wrote: "it's far far from how he will act as president with leaders from other's for us, his electorate and his potential electorate."

I genuinely wish I shared your optimisim about this, but I fear he cannot change, and this is not just an act he is putting on for the election. Even he does not know what is going to come out of his mouth when he is speaking -

"Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally here on Thursday.

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner -

As he is fond of telling us he speaks his mind and is open, allegedly.  And therein lies the scary part.

So what some people are actually saying is that they want a joker for a president, well - be careful what you wish for is all I can say.

Oh, and I know that peoplewill criticise the fact the source is CNN - but the undeniable fact is those are his words - and he admits he is just winging it, as he is giving a speech.  Yes, I undertand adlibbing or going off at a tangent, but he is just saying whatever comes into his head.

It's not being optimistic, I'm a realist when it comes to what he will or will not do as president. 

Your "scared" but honestly, what of? We have checks and balances in this country, the president cannot suddenly decide to be a dictator... no man is an island. Not even Obama could have done any of what he did without the full support of the house and Senate (vocally complaining is nothing but show.. they could have stopped him at any time) 

Trump has few people in his corner in government. The biggest problem we will have is that the republicans and democrats both will stand so solidly against him that not one thing we want done will actually get done. 90% of congress has promised just that. 

I'm voting for Trump, because of what he can do, even with everyone against him. The law for a wall passed congress in 2006, he can do that and doesn't need to have congress for that since they already passed it. He can repeal very dangerous TTIP trade agreements, that Hillary and congress would push through and sign.. 

One thing Trump is, is a good negotiator... every single person he has ever done business with says so.. banks he has done business with have nothing but praise for the way he handles business.. shark negotiator comes to mind for most who have done business with him.. this is good if he puts that to work for us and not against us. 

Will congress pass trade agreements that Trump gets? Most likely not.. but at least we won't be signing "secret" trade agreements that the American people aren't allowed to see and discuss prior to congress signing them. 

In short, the things that Hillary can do the second she gets into office are so dangerous for this nation that even with all of congress against him.. he can at least take off the table certain things that need gone for real. 

We know for a fact what Hillary wants to do, we know for a fact they will get done because she has support not only from democrats, but republicans as well.. (don't let the dog and pony show fool you.. ) We have no doubt where this nation will be in 4 or 8 years of Hillary Clinton.. 

I'm putting my eggs in the basket that something different, something better, has even a small chance. That basket is Trump.

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RE: Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner - by Grace - 10-29-2016, 02:17 PM

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