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Drunk experience matters! (aka Respect the wisdom of your elders)
(03-20-2022, 05:38 PM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: Woke up to one of the kids frantically messaging me. By "kids" I mean our four completely grown, adult offspring. Anyway she lost her keys while drunk and tossed the house and vehicles- no keys. Locksmith wanted $270 to re-key car so panic had set in.

This is where my early years of getting drunk came to the rescue. Her now sober idea of thorough searching and the experience of formerly drunk me were miles apart- and formerly drunk me came to the rescue!

I started walking her through a new search, checking inside the back of the toilet tank, inside jars in the fridge, checking inside ceiling light fixtures, in cereal boxes, etc. Within less than five minutes the keys were safe within her hands!

Young people these days have a lot to learn. Sometimes the drunk experience of their elders trumps all of their sober knowledge.
Respect the wisdom of your elders kiddos- they have fucked up a lot more than you!

Happy Sunday Rogues!

Oh my, lol.

Luckily mommy takes care of them.

My Uncle George was a "colourful" drunk back in the day. We once woke up to half a jar of mustard and his false teeth in a frying pan on the stove......simmering on low. He was passed out outside on the deck.


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The Shit Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Shit Tree - Jim Lahey speaking about Trudeau

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RE: Drunk experience matters! (aka Respect the wisdom of your elders) - by MykeNukem - 03-20-2022, 11:27 PM

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