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IRS to the rescue: thieves now required to report ill-gotten gains
(12-31-2021, 05:41 AM)Ninurta Wrote: A fella on TV just made a great point regarding this development - he said "so we are in such bad shape under Biden that the government is now relying on drug dealers and thievesto adhere to the honor system to correct out government financial deficits"...

Great point.

In a perfect world, one with rainbows and unicorns, the criminals not only would report and pay taxes on things they  stole, but they would also follow gun laws, buy them properly from gun sellers.

BUT...... that is the most laughable and impossible scenario ever!! 
There are no unicorns, much less a perfect world. 
Therefore, the criminals will not be paying taxes on stolen goods.  tinysure

Not sure what they are smokin in D.C., but they are making themselves the laughing stock of the year, both old and new.

I am quite honestly embarrassed for whomever came up with criminals "paying taxes on stolen goods".
And who thought that was a good idea to say something that ignorant on record? 

Damn, and we have 3 more loooong years of Biden & his circus

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: IRS to the rescue: thieves now required to report ill-gotten gains - by senona - 01-02-2022, 05:11 AM

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