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The last thing out of Pandora's box
Sorry for my answers but I see the world through an over-thinking lens. Maybe slightly crazy too.  tinybiggrin

I'm not sure what normal is. Normal changes all the time. I do see the word used as a euphemism for less governmental disruption or over reach. The problem in that last context is the road has been long, slow, and deliberate. Maybe this last step was too obtrusive for some. 

Hope? I guess everyone has a different idea of what that is. I know I will get flamed for this but the older I get, the less "hope" I have in most people around me. They are weak and lazy thinkers. They want nothing to do with responsibility or risk. They want safety and ease. They care little for what they give up to get there. Effort is evil or racist or bigoted or something else just as ridiculous.  

I suppose it's always been that way. I think most are not mentally, spiritually, or physically equipped to bear the load of freedom and independence. It's almost like there are two sub-species of humans. One has always relied on the other. As long as things worked out reasonably well, most did not care. The modern analog has run into difficulty though. Those who rely on outsourcing their own well being are being played by those they foolishly put their belief in. Those they trusted were not real leaders. They were low level manipulators. The sirens song of comfort and ease was stronger then their common sense. Now they are on the rocks. 

In the US at least, there is hope. The framework of our system is strong. It just needs strong people. At some point, the safety and ease seekers will realize this. Hopefully this time they make better choices.

Messages In This Thread
The last thing out of Pandora's box - by PLOTUS - 12-18-2021, 05:47 PM
RE: The last thing out of Pandora's box - by ABNARTY - 12-20-2021, 02:17 PM

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