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Remember the girl who was raped in the school bathroom
Let me add some perspective to this for consideration.

Firstly, my sympathies to the victims and their families of these horrible attacks. The perpetrator of this crime is a predator and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law if found guilty along with some serious psychological intervention and counseling. Secondly, the screwup here was the school district simply transferring the assailant to another school while the first incident was under investigation and not notifying parents an alleged predator was in their midst.


* There have been no verified statements from law enforcement that the person who committed these acts is bisexual, gender fluid, transgender or was dressed in women’s clothing. This is a claim from the victim's father.

* The Loudoun County School Board did not vote to approve the school system’s trans nondiscrimination policy until August of this year, more than three months after the first of the two sexual assault incidents occurred.

* School districts across the country that have passed pro-trans policies have reported no verified incidence of anyone abusing said policies to commit such attacks in schools. Some of these policies have been in effect for a decade.

Outside reading:

Conservatives blame pro-trans policy after assaults in Loudon schools

Parents blame sexual assaults on school district’s trans bathroom policies without proof

Again, these pro-trans policies were not in effect when this happened. There is no evidence from anywhere these policies are in effect that they make something like this more likely to happen. It’s partisan fear mongering plain and simple.

Additional commentary and disclaimer:

84% of transgender students feel unsafe in school. 50% of transgender girls have been threatened with physical violence. According to GLSEN’s latest findings, LGBT secondary-school students as a whole experience higher rates of bullying based on not only their sexual orientation and gender identity, but also their appearance and body size. They’re also more likely to experience sexual harassment, cyberbullying, and property damage  among other forms of intimidation and abuse than their heterosexual and non-transgender peers.

Overall, 86% of LGBT students were harassed or assaulted at school and LGBT students are three times as likely than their non-LGBT counterparts to report they do not plan on completing high school, and twice as likely to have skipped school in the past month as a result of feeling unsafe or uncomfortable around their peers.

LGBTQ Teens Feel Unsafe and Unwelcome, Despite Growing Support for Rights

LBGT Students Are Not Safe at School

Like it or not, some kids are gay and some kids are trans. How did you all treat the perceived or rumored queer kids when you were in school and how do you think that made them feel? As one of those kids, I can tell you it wasn’t good. There is really no reason for this other than the ugliest of human nature and prejudice, ignorance and fear against those seen as different. At times I am doubtful that humanity will ever grow up.

To add a personal note as someone of transsexual experience that lived with bullying, abuse, ostracization and violence from the time I entered kindergarten in 1960… while in high school I lived as a girl outside of school but was perceived as a very gay and gender non-conforming “queer faggot” in order to stay in school and life sucked. This was the most difficult and challenging period in my entire life. In the 10th grade I was criminally assaulted by a group of homophobic boys that landed me in the hospital and kept me out of school a month in recovery for no other reason than I was seen as different and other. I used the restroom at school a grand total of twice in four years because it was just too dangerous for me to do so and all this combined led me to some very dark places that no kid should ever be driven too. I was determined to quit school after the 11th grade and it’s only because I was fortunate and privileged enough to receive the healthcare I needed that I didn’t. (and besides that, my parents would have murdered me if I didn’t graduate)

I was lucky, strong and I endured and prevailed but wouldn’t have without the understanding and support from my family. Kids today that face the same challenges, especially those who aren’t in accepting households are at great risk and if it takes policies procedures to protect them, I’m all for it because left on their own, people will be assholes. Why this crap gets blown out of proportion and why this country is in the divisive state it’s in is because controversy sells newspapers and gets the most clicks. Don’t fall for media bullshit just because it fits your narrative. Please be good humans and treat all people with dignity and respect even if they are different.

If someone does bad things, let them pay for it but don't use the actions of one bad actor to blame or demonize an entire demographic without some sort of evidence bad things are inherent to that group. Doing so is just stupid.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

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RE: Remember the girl who was raped in the school bathroom - by Freija - 10-27-2021, 02:41 PM

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