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The American Bumblebee Has Vanished From Eight States
I posted this on ATS and two people from states where they supposedly vanished from (North Dakota and Maine) said that they had more bumbles, and less domestic honey bees this year. I noticed that here as well esp. in the early spring, more bumble bees than honey bees that took much longer to show up.

I don't believe this report as it is being spun. I think it's a politically corrupted science report designed to take more money and rights away from people in another government over-reach scheme.

ETA: The last statement is wrong, the article isn't spinning the report, but the source of the petition may be corrupted by political influence as I have posted below. So it may be a politically leftist over reaching money grabber none the less.

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RE: The American Bumblebee Has Vanished From Eight States - by Michigan Swamp Buck - 10-10-2021, 03:01 PM

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