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USA truckers to do a protest like Australian truckers on the 31st
(08-31-2021, 06:01 AM)F2d5thCav Wrote: Workers have to self-organize as the unions are completely corrupt and controlled.


My personal observations on that front might be considered complex. I don't believe that "organizing" and then leaving that organization as a standing fixture in society is a good idea. Temporary organizations for specific purposes that are disbanded as soon as the goal is realized are, I believe, the way to go. When they are allowed to stand, continue past their sell-by date, they become ripe for abuse.

There are moves afoot, both federally and locally in Virginia, to FORCE all workers into Unions. Having worked in a union shop (SEIU) for about 8 months before I could no longer stand it and quitting the job, I have seen no Earthly value of Unions for the workers. Instead, everything flows upwards to the Union bosses and their cronies, nothing filters down to the workers. In other words, it is a one-way street that benefits only Union bosses and their friends off of the backs of the workers, same as what they accuse corporate bosses of doing. Both are pyramid schemes that farm the strengths of the workers for those privileged few at the top of the pyramid.

Both the corporations and the Unions are set up to merely USE the workers for their own benefit, not to benefit the workers.

The only way I can see to alleviate that circumstance is to allow for only temporary organizations that dissolve at completion of their stated immediate goal, and are then no longer around to abuse the workers in who was their strength to begin with.

What the government efforts are attempting, as typified in the "Pro Act", is to force workers into a Union so as to fleece money out of them in the form of Union dues, and then filter that money out to various political friends of the union bosses, and allowing those same bosses to throw the strength of the workers to whichever political cause they prefer, whether or not the workers under them actually support that cause. Rather than using the strength of an organization for the benefit of the organized, it uses the strength of the organized for the benefit of the few at the top, same as any other hierarchical pyramid scheme.

I'm not down for that, so if these measures pass into law, I will never work for anyone else ever again. They cannot harness and sap away MY strength to benefit THEIR cronies. That's not something I will ever allow again.

This effort in question at the moment is the epitome of temporary organization. It mentions truck drivers, but notably DOES NOT mention Teamsters. It also incorporates, according to the story, other groups of people into the temporary organization geared towards a specific goal. It mentions "healthcare workers, truckers, military members, and other citizens across the country", but does not mention any formalized unions at all, of any of the PEOPLE mentioned. It is for "the people" involved, rather than any union bosses. It mentions specific goals to be met - "protest the requirement of the COVID-19 vaccine for employment, travel, and more", and once that goal is met, would presumably disband until needed again, rather than continue as a useless entity all it's own.

Yup, I can get behind this, but cannot get behind any "Unions".

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: USA truckers to do a protest like Australian truckers on the 31st - by Ninurta - 08-31-2021, 08:43 AM

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