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Chaos in South Africa: Prequel for US?
I'm not sure if we have covered this but situation in South Africa has gone from bad to worse. It started as a political riot and descended into insanity. Rioting, looting, burning. One pharmacy chain has lost over 140 shops in the last 48 hours. Their national Army has moved into troubled areas. 

There are only about 2 million legal gun owners out of 60+ million citizens. But it may not be enough. 

The police are not helpful. Between 2005 and 2017, the police "LOST" 26,000+ firearms. Between 2013 and 2019, the police "LOST" 9-10 million rounds of ammunition. Needless to say, those doing the looting and shooting are well armed thanks to the police.   

ETA: Or could it be part of a larger picture? Cuba, Ethiopia, Haiti, Columbia, Lebanon....

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Chaos in South Africa: Prequel for US? - by ABNARTY - 07-14-2021, 12:44 AM

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