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Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation Arrested on Child Porn
Ninurta Wrote:I haven't watched the video yet, but to be honest I think there might be a possibility that it might freak me out a bit

Haha! Her story is not so dissimilar to mine except she came out as bisexual and then gay before figuring out she was really trans which isn’t that uncommon. People thought I was a gay boy too. Being gay or bi is a lot easier and more accepted and sometimes people have to work through a few things and try on a few different hats before figuring things out. Like she says in the video, she didn’t even know people could be trans. I didn’t either but figured it out on my own.

There’s really nothing to freak out about unless it’s to your own reactions if you find her attractive? tinybiggrin

Here is a funny one by a Swedish girl from my tribe and of my “type” reading her hate comments with her boyfriend.

At any rate, thanks for wading through my extraordinary walls of text and for your comments. The purpose of writing and sharing my “story” of growing up wasn’t for victim points or sympathy. It was to illustrate the kind of things kids like me should never have to go through just to be themselves in these supposedly more enlightened and informed times.

There aren’t a whole lot of things I care about or am more passionate about than the lives and health of trans youth so they don’t have to deal with the shit I did but I guess that’s pretty obvious? If it matters, I don’t give 2 flying f’s about adult transgender people, the “trans community” or trans “ideology”.

Ninurta Wrote:I'm not sure that delaying puberty for kids in crisis is necessarily a bad thing, but starting actual transition may be

I’ll try to breakdown and understand what you mean here? There’s social transition and then there’s medical transition and for some kids that have been properly diagnosed and under observation by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, the possibility of going on puberty blockers that do not cause physical changes and are reversible if discontinued allowing natal puberty to proceed normally is considered. If not covered under insurance, GNrH analogues can cost $1,000 to $1,200 per month and the implant type of blocker (Histrelin/Supprelin) can run $18,000 to $20,000 every 18 months. In the long run though, they can save a lot of money and pain on surgery to reverse the effects of an unwanted natal puberty.

Most people don’t realize a good percentage of the kids that do go on “blockers” have been seeing therapists for several years. There are a few kids that do socially transition really young then another grouping around 9 or 10 and others at or near puberty. Social transition consists of therapy and counseling, name and pronoun change and a change in clothing and hair styles and nothing more. No children are taking hormones or getting surgery. If you hear or read that, it is simply untrue.

If that child has proven solid in their social role and identity, at puberty they are very unlikely to desist but contrary to what the general public and right leaning media like to suggest, the affirming care approach puts no pressure on the child to persist and the door is always left open for them to decide living as the gender opposite their natal sex isn’t working for them. Some people also like to suggest that puberty blockers are being forced on children which is also untrue. It is the kids themselves begging for them and the only time they may be “forced” is in lieu of taking cross-sex hormones. There was no such thing as puberty blockers when I was a kid but had there been and I had been aware of them, I would have done any and everything to have them. If I hadn’t been lucky in the late puberty department, they could have been life saving.

The Endocrine Society recommends puberty blockers be started only after a child has reached Tanner Stage 1 or 2 of natal puberty which is usually somewhere between 11 and 13 for most kids and taken for an average of about 2 years, at least in this country, before starting cross-sex hormones that usually don’t start until 14/15 if that’s still where the child wants to go?

Here’s where things get a little tricky. Estrogen or an estrogen and progesterone combo are relatively weak hormones and kids that do start on this protocol start with very small doses that are usually increased over a period of a year or so. Development and physical changes happen very slowly and it usually takes up to two years for breasts to fully develop and most trans girls are lucky to get an A or small B cup size at best depending of course on genetics and family history.

A trans girl could take estrogen for a year and if stopped, most of the time whatever changes have happened will revert. It should be noted that like 98% of kids that start on blockers then do go on to start taking cross-sex HRT.

Testosterone given to trans boys on the other hand is a VERY powerful hormone producing rapid and irreversible changes within three months. Their voices will permanently deepen, they will develop body and facial hair, an Adam’s apple, muscles and in most cases cease menstruation. (Trans men getting pregnant is not unheard of) Natal females wanting to transition outnumber natal males 4 to 1, the historical opposite of what it has been and my personal opinion is that natal females need a LOT more scrutiny and evaluation before undergoing any medical transition as we’re now seeing a large portion of them “detransition” and it is not a pretty sight and the anti-trans activists seize on the opportunity to use this against all trans folks.

There are several trains of though on the whole blocker thing. Let’s say a trans girl socially transitions in the 4th or 5th grade and is obviously not ever going to desist. Going on blockers and making her wait until 15 or 16 to start cross-sex hormones may have some negative psychological effects from remaining in a prepubescent state while all her peers are developing normally. I can tell you that genuine trans kids just want to fit in and be like everybody else and when they don’t experience puberty when their friends and classmates do, it sets them apart and defeats the goal of them feeling normal which is all we want for these kids.

So I have to ask the question, when did you know you were a boy? Was it something you weren’t sure of until you were 17? That sounds pretty silly, doesn’t it? Any book on child development will say a child’s development of their own gender identity is at the core and foundation of personality usually starting at 18 to 24 months and in nearly all cases is set and permanently fixed between the ages of four or five and is lifelong and immutable for like 99% of people.

It isn’t something most people even question unless they are born with transsexualism which while not conclusive, the vast majority of scientific and medical research points to being a biological in nature. As I said in my story, I knew for sure in even my earliest memories that I was a girl and should have been born female and by six or seven was absolutely and unquestionably 100% sure of it which indeed was permanent and immutable as never in my entire life have I thought of felt differently.

One thing I haven’t really brought into the discussion is sexuality as the trans community and their “ideology” wishes to completely erase this as a factor in “transgenderism” (you know I hate that term but it’s applicable in this case). They want sexuality and gender clearly divided into two distinct and separate things which to me is pretty stupid because “gender” is how we advertise our sexuality and unquestionably the two are intertwined and overlapping.

One term or concept I kind of like popularized in the 1960s used as a diagnostic criteria but now unused and disfavored was that of “complete psychosexual inversion” meaning that “true” transsexuals are psychologically and sexually, in terms of their sexual and romantic orientation, inverted or opposite of the natal sex of their bodies. In other words, trans girls/women are androphilic (attracted to males) and trans boys/men are gynephilic (attracted to females). After transition, outwardly this would appear like a heterosexual coupling.

Nearly all young true/classic/primary transsexuals have transitioned no later than 25 with the average being around 20 and nearly 90% of these young MTFs are androphilic although those who are autogynephilic are transitioning at younger ages now too. Blanchard’s theory of autogynephilia, the love as one’s self as a woman, is highly discredited and a forbidden topic in the woke trans community and it’s complicated. It does explain a lot though like the difference between those inherently born with gender dysphoria and those that develop it later in life for “other reasons” generally considered a paraphilia or an erotic target location error. This is why older/late/secondary type trans people, that make up 90% of the trans demographic don’t like Blanchard’s theory because it presents a bad optic.

\Ninurta’ Wrote:I believe that in some circles, it may be a "fad" that can go horribly wrong for the kids involved.

I don’t disagree with you and this “fad” has been given a name: ROGD or rapid onset gender dysphoria and like things such as anorexia, bulimia and cutting, it affects almost entirely natal females. This is why I said above that gender dysphoria in natal females needs to be highly scrutinized and evaluated way more than it is being or we are going to end up with a disaster on our hands. The good news is that most therapists are on the lookout for this now and one can only hope that they proceed cautiously. Sadly and undoubtedly though, some will slip through the cracks which should not be used as a weapon against all trans youth.

This does concern me because it brings so much negative attention to those that are genuinely transsexual, namely the real trans kids. “Gender critical” feminists and TERFs jump at their chance to remove any healthcare for trans youth and seek to eliminate transition entirely. Against medical opinion and a lot of outraged parents, hormone blockers in the UK have just been outlawed for kids under 16 because Kiera Bell, a FTM detranstitioner sued the NHS for “slipping through the cracks” and won.

’Grace’ Wrote:Do you want to post this as a new topic? I'm happy to respond and engage in dialogue - I'm just unsure how far we should go into this line of discussion without it being a new topic.

I don’t disagree but nobody has said anything or objected and this is a pretty small community so for now at least, I’ve gone ahead and responded here. I don’t think most people have the patience to read my long posts anyway.

@"Michigan Swamp Buck"
Lol! Again with the strawman that has nothing to do with the discussion? I know reading is hard okay but it is real simple to scroll past the part that’s beyond a Twitter length post or more than you can take in at once. Then of all things you quote the entire wall of text post you criticized for length. Brilliant!
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

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RE: Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation Arrested on Child Porn - by Freija - 03-24-2021, 11:13 AM

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