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H.R. 127 and your guns
(02-02-2021, 02:12 PM)727Sky Wrote: Besides the article about the guns and ammo how about troops being sent to Syria, Washington D.C. becoming a state even though the Constitution says "No Can Do".

Anyone with borderline high blood pressure do not watch the have been warned ! hahah

They do seem to feel cheated out of their war, and intent to spark one at any cost. 

I doubt the gun legislation will go anywhere in this session, because it is not ready. It's too vague, has no enforcement mechanism built in to it, and is in many places contradictory. I don't think there is any muster it can pass, not even in a boy scout troop, much less Congress or SCOTUS. Whoever hired that idiot congress critter needs to give her a job evaluation. I think some coaching might be in order, and she would definitely derive massive benefit from a class in how to read and write law from a local community college, or even a high school civics class, if high schools still teach that.

The DC for statehood thing is picking up traction among Marxists. As you correctly observe, that is banned by the Constitution, but since when have Marxists given a shit about a Constitution? It was set up that way to prevent any one state from "lording it over" the rest of the states, and they seem to be intent on breaking that safeguard now. You can bet real money that there are several states who will not accept orders on how to run their state coming from another state. Did anyone notice the hissy fit PA threw when 20 states got together and sued them for trying to break the Constitution? That was a legitimate suit, because PA injured the rights of voters in every other state, all 49, but it was not heard on the principle that one state cannot tell another state how to run their internal affairs. Same for DC if they were to make it a state. The Federal government would cease to exist at that point, as there would be no Federal district to house it.

The United States would cease to exist at that point, and there would no longer be a Union of States to call "United" and no Federal government, because no Federal district to locate it. It would be a territory run by fiat from a single state, and most of that territory would tell the central  totalitarians to fuck off, that they wanted no part of an American Socialist Empire, that they had no interest in surrendering their sovereignty to another state.

Six states Attorney Generals have already put BidenHarris on notice that they will vigorously oppose any unconstitutional moves made by hisher regime. The letter informing himher of that was written in West Virginia, by the WV Attorney General, but signed off on by Montana, Alaska, Texas, and two more that escape me at the moment. You can bet that making DC a state would kick that into high gear and get many, many other states loaded onto the bandwagon. No US state is willing to surrender it's sovereignty to another state. I have a copy of the letter that they sent to BidenHarris.

Puerto Rico is the one to watch, and may be why the Marxists are making all the noise about making DC a state, to distract attention from the real plan to make Puerto Rico a state. That, too, will be opposed by red states, but it has a better chance of succeeding than making DC a state as it is at least legal, even if foolhardy. If they succeed in packing Congress with more Marxists like that, then I would support Texas exercising it's right to subdivide into separate states to counter that Marxist gain in Congress. It wouldn't give them any more Reps in the house, but it could increase their Senate representation by 14 Senators, and offset the imbalance the Marxists are trying to create. If Congress balks at that notion, then I would support Texas Secession, which Texas is already talking about.

Some states are talking reorganization, with some counties expressing a desire to secede from the state they are in and join to an adjoining state that has saner government. A large county in northern Colorado wants to join Wyoming instead, which if that were to occur would nearly double the entire population of Wyoming. One of the Oregon counties is flirting with the notion of attaching itself to Idaho instead. West Virginia has already passed a resolution allowing Virginia counties to leave VA and attach themselves to WV instead, which as a Virginia resident I am all for. Virginia has finally fallen to the Marxist Yankees, 155 years after the First Civil War allegedly ended. It's time to leave them to their own devices and join a saner state. Virginia would oppose that move, of course. While there is a saying here that Richmond thinks Virginia ends at Roanoke, because they steadfastly ignore us until it's time to rape some more minerals out of the land, they would surely notice that mineral wealth leaving their commonwealth and attaching itself to WV instead. Nearly all the minerals and natural resources of Virginia are west of the Blue Ridge mountains, and they won't give that up without a battle...

... but a non-trivial number of us are ready and willing to give them that battle if they insist, rather than live under the despotism we are being subjected to. We demonstrated that last spring with the "Second Amendment Sanctuary" movement as a response to despotic laws passed by a legislature bought and paid for by Michael Bloomberg and George Soros. Over 90% of the state stood it's ground against the urban Marxists peeking out of Bloomberg's pocket. They're making a sad mistake if they think that was just a fluke.

I think the US in general is in the same mindset if DC tries to state itself and despoil the rest of the nation by edict.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Messages In This Thread
H.R. 127 and your guns - by 727Sky - 02-02-2021, 07:27 AM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by Ninurta - 02-02-2021, 09:54 AM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by 727Sky - 02-02-2021, 02:12 PM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by Ninurta - 02-02-2021, 07:13 PM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by ABNARTY - 02-04-2021, 03:58 AM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by Ninurta - 02-07-2021, 08:37 AM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by 727Sky - 02-07-2021, 01:01 PM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by Schmoe1 - 02-08-2021, 12:31 AM
RE: H.R. 127 and your guns - by Ninurta - 02-08-2021, 01:05 AM

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