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It's Been 20 Years, Do You Still Watch And Remember?
It's has been 20 years since 911, Do you still watch the shows about the attack on this day and remember those who died?
i do, i feel we owe it to them to remember. believe what you will about who and why it was done, but for those innocent people and first responders who lost their lives in the first attack of the war that is still going on 20 years later deserve to be remembered.

the thing that affects me the most, is the people that jumped or fell. i still have have tears well up every time. there is one video where a guy is filming it, and he see people hanging out the window and he starts talking about one waving a flag. you can hear it in his voice how it's effects him then the guy with the flag falls.

then there's one where they show firefighters and cops in the lobby and then you hear a bunch of loud bangs, all of them walk towards where they think the bangs are coming from, then on the radio they say we got jumpers. the looks on their face can't be described.

again, i'm not going to rehash what i think the who or why, but i will say this. yes there were terrorist on the planes who were in control. but it wasn't their deal. take that as you will.

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It's Been 20 Years, Do You Still Watch And Remember? - by hounddoghowlie - 09-12-2020, 12:03 AM
RE: It's Been 20 Years, Do You Still Watch And Remember? - by drussell41 - 09-12-2020, 12:20 AM

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