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Policy differences between Trump & Biden
For me, the political situation is not about Trump or Biden.

Screw the personalities.  And screw the political parties.

People should look at the issues they believe are important, and seek out candidates of any stripe who take an acceptable position on those issues.

This is where I have a serious problem with the Democrats these days.  Their party platform either embraces, or, fails to condemn, absurd and destructive policies like "defund the police" or "open the border".

Yeah, on any given issue, there is room for give and take.  But, by committing themselves to the path of "resistance" (vice loyal opposition) in 2016, the Democrats have increasingly given the nod to policy propositions that I believe are so unrealistic as to be completely dysfunctional.

That's not government, and that is not politicking.  That is the knee-jerk response of 1960s radicals trying to burn down the ROTC building on campus, except this time the ROTC building is the functionality of government (oh, that despised authority) at federal, state, and municipal levels.

The Republicans are a problem as well.  And this gets to my bottom line: the political party system in the USA is broken.  That system can no longer produce candidates that are attractive to much of the public.  The parties themselves are beholden to hidden outsiders who pull the strings, including the determination of party platforms, even when those platforms are clearly destructive in their intent.

For those of you who think Trump is the problem, you've missed the real problem.  The real problem is where our dysfunctional political party system goes after Trump's time in office is finished.  And, if you rue the fact that Trump is the President, then you should be pointing your finger at the political party system that made his election possible.  NOT ONE of the career politicians will even hint that the party system is broken.  That alone is a serious issue, because we all know the first step in improving a bad situation is REALIZING a bad situation exists.

So, yeah, my personal feelings about Trump or any other personality are not important.  At this point, I think it is the Republican Party under Trump who have the most realistic platform.  I would much prefer that the two parties could get up to some cooperation and produce bipartisan solutions, but that won't happen in the near future.

[Image: 14sigsepia.jpg]

Location: The lost world, Elsewhen

Messages In This Thread
RE: Policy differences between Trump & Biden - by Wallfire - 08-19-2020, 09:54 AM
RE: Policy differences between Trump & Biden - by F2d5thCav - 08-19-2020, 09:14 AM

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