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Detective Doctor or Why I Took My Cat To The Vet
[Image: worm-and-paris.jpg] 
Mr. Worm (left) and Miss Paris (right) together.  Sorry, it's the best of the few photos I have of them together.

Paris woke me up this morning by sticking her nose in my face to tell me it was time to wake up to pet her while she lay next to me.

Bally -
Worm's health seems to be in order however I'll know more once the results of the blood work comes back.  Attention has been given to him in your honor.

bluemoon2 -
Cat stories are are always interesting to share.  Miss Paris just has to drink from the bathroom sink.  One day I was too slow in getting there for her.  She was complaining about it when I said "hold on old lady".  She gave me quite a go to hell meow for calling her an old lady.

[Image: 20140614-080607.jpg]
Mr. Worm

[Image: missparis.jpg]
Miss Paris

F2d5thCav -
As Mr. Worm thinks he is a dog he complains all the way to the vet and back plus tries his best to hide while there.

Mystic -
Cats can be quite demanding can't they>  Especially when the have to tell you that they are starving to death at 4:00 AM.  A cat that was the step-mother to these two was very OCD about having a tidy litter box.  She always made a point to go in after the other cats and scrap the box to death.  Of course she denied doing this as each time she finished she would run to the opposite side of the house to prove that she wasn't there.
If I am not here then I am probably someplace else.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Detective Doctor or Why I Took My Cat To The Vet - by LookingForABetterLife - 08-03-2020, 03:28 AM

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