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What's the Wildest or Most Powerful Dream You've Ever Had?
I have had so many that I can't remember them all, but some I posted so they are out there somewhere.

I will share these two I found. I posted them at another site on Jul, 18 2011 @ 04:00 PM.

I have heard it said that you never die in your dreams, and if you do you will not wake up. Well either that is not true, or I am still dreaming. or I don’t realize that I am dead. The night before last I dreamt that I died. I don’t know how I died and I did not seem to be concerned about how I died.

My first memory is of seeing my coffin. I thought that my coffin looked odd. It was white and seemed to be made out of Styrofoam or concrete. I tried to follow the coffin because I was intrigued and I wanted to know what they were going to do with my body. I was in what looked like a dark tunnel, and the only thing visible to me was the coffin, and it appeared to be floating. I could hear a voice in my mind telling me to “leave it!”. I could hear someone saying “Stop following that shell and be done with it!” I remember saying, again, in my mind, not out loud; “I want to see what they are going to do with it.”

Shortly after this, I felt as if someone had hit me with a tazer. I remember thinking, I am being electrocuted. My entire body was convulsing and I realized that I was disintegrating. I was dissolving into a thousand, no a million tiny beads of different colored lights. I remember thinking, “it is true.” “I am really dead.” I awakened with a jolt. My whole body shook so hard that it slammed my headboard against the wall. I could still feel my whole body tingling with the aftershock.

I wanted to see if I would repeat the dream last night but I didn’t. Last night I had a weird dream that it had rained for a very long time. So long that almost all the trees had died and the branches were just falling off into large piles all around the trees. I was standing in front of my house looking at hundreds of black dead trees and a mound of what looked like from a distance, to be a couple of dead deer.

Just when I was beginning to feel depressed I saw that some of the trees had a vine climbing the dead trunks and branches that was covered in beautiful yellow flowers. The more attention I paid to the details I could see new life spring up among the dead leaves on the ground and tiny sprigs of beautiful flowers here and there. I turned to go back into my house but I couldn’t see my house. It wasn’t there any more.

I started walking. I had no destination in mind. I was just walking. I didn’t see anything or anyone for what seemed a long time, except a gas station that looked new but was completely destroyed. The gas pumps were even gone, only a portion of the small empty store remained. I stopped for a brief time to see if I could find traces that other people had been by, but I didn’t see anything that made me think anyone had been there. I remember thinking that it didn’t make any difference if I stayed or it I kept walking, so I started walking, again with no place in mind.

I don’t know how long I walked but I stopped because I could see in the distance a huge tree with many long branches. It looked like the tree was absorbing the sun and reflecting the light in all directions. It seemed the closer I got to the tree the more uplifted I felt, until I felt as if my heart was bursting with joy. When I got to the tree I could not do anything but look on it with absolute amazement. The tree was completely covered in the vines with the yellow flowers. The flowers covered the trunk and all the branches. I felt such peace, happiness, and joy, that my heart felt as if it was going to burst wide open, and it snatched me awake.

I awakened feeling completely drained. I could barely lift my arms or turn over. Even when I was able to sit on the side of the bed, it still took much effort for me to be able to walk. It took about a good fifteen minutes before I felt normal again.

I sure hope that when I go to bed tonight that I don’t dream, and if I do that I don’t remember it.

I can still remember this dream so well it is as if I had the dream a few days ago.

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RE: What's the Wildest or Most Powerful Dream You've Ever Had? - by NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-10-2020, 12:29 AM

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