Quote:Police brutality is a real thing and attention should be made for it.
But hating America is not the way to go about it.
This will hurt the movement towards real reform and will only enable and encourage the anti-American sentiment that hijacked the actual legitimate movement towards bringing attention to police brutality.
What started out as something in earnest -- police brutality -- somehow spiraled out of control and turned into anti- American sentiments.
Why, I do not know.
But what I do know, is I lost interest in the police brutality due the turn against America.
The NFL allowing them to disrespect the National Anthem as they did, which in turn offended majority of Americans, both black and white.
If sports is going to turn into a breeding ground for political agendas, then they will loose millions of viewers.
And now, the same thing is happening again.
What started out as police brutality over the death of GF, has turned into anti-American sentiments once again
Statues are being tore down.
Schools are being renamed.
Streets are being renamed.
People fired for old posts/tweets from a decade or longer.
The NFL wanting to replace the National Anthem with the black anthem for example.
Is that for the players or the fans I wonder? Because many fans love to hear whoever sings the National Anthem and it makes them swell with pride. Hand over their heart.
"They" are turning being an American and patriot into a negative cogitation.
Sad to see.
I hate that some police treat minorities as they do. Truly I do.
But that should not have anything to do with our country as a whole, yet our whole country is being punished.
Not just the few bad cops.
Which in turn makes me lose interest/sight in the main point of it all ---->>>> police brutality.