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The real battle to come, and the only savior of the human race...
I would actually argue that the "anti-tech" movement is just as useful to the technocracy as those who Trust & Obey the "experts."

It takes those folks out of the game entirely, and those working on more advanced tools for subjugation (marketed as liberation, of course) can just continue unabated and unimpeded.

In other words, its just as much a controlled movement as any "anti" social group in modern times (antifa, "anti-racist," etc.)

If the "antitechs" can then be inspired to take direct action, like the other groups.. all the better! The centralized, corporate systems are all shielded, backed-up, etc. So, the "antitechs" just end up being weaponized against the general population of serfs like everything else.

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RE: The real battle to come, and the only savior of the human race... - by Serdgiam - 07-02-2020, 05:24 PM

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