(06-30-2020, 06:21 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: That's probably the best option for people in the country with lots of land. Good, fresh, home-grown food is much healthier and tastes better too. It's those people who don't have enough land to build such a thing that need the emergency food supply.
And also, where i live, you have to have permit from the county to build anything extra on YOUR OWN land, which pisses me off to the max! We have already met our quota on extra buildings on our land, so the emergency food supply was the next best option. It takes up little space out of sight behind my kitchen table.
My dad had a hot house when I was growing up. He grew tomatoes and other veggies in the winter time. Man, it was hot in there! It could double as a sauna, if needed. My sister and I used to have to go down after school every day and water the plants. But the reward of the great tasting food was worth it.
Permits can always be tricky.
Aquaponics still seems heavily misunderstood though!
Can just do it indoors, or in the basement, and skip all the "hassles" :P Gotta make sure wherever it goes can take the weight though.
Importantly though, the entire idea behind it is small footprint, low effort, high output. "Aquaponics" refers more to a mini-ecosystem process rather than a specific setup.
Typically, they are setup vertically to reduce spread, with the most basic systems having a single growbed level above the livestock tanks. These can be tiered though, to best utilize space. There are some techniques that are outright vertical tubes, but those are a bit different and can actually require a bit of crop selectivity.
I have ~100-125sqft of extra space where I live. Should be pretty much self-sufficient once the project is done.
Thats just for one person, but as a perpetual food source, in a super small space, with very low effort.. Its hard to beat. Itll supply ~1lb of protein a day, along with whatever crops & medicine, with a buffer built in for various failures/shortages.