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For Mr. G- Operation Rebirth: 2016 election

"Alex.. Where are you," Regina whispered into her phone? "Crawl out from under your flavor of the week and get here.."

Andros was eating with Austin as BB kept looking around.. "BB," andros spoke in BB's voice..

"Don go staring chit.. Wat goin on," BB was nervous.. "Cuz rufus neva coom in dear fore Helos..."

One of the Wendigo calls out, "Vice Chairman on Deck.."

Looking like she stepped out of Cosmo, The Vice Chairman walks over with a wicked smile.. She cuts in front of all the kids still in line, "good morning Mrs. garcia.." 

BB stands up and motions for the trumps to stand, " Chit.. CHIT CHIT CHIT!!! Dis no go be good."

Rufus Letch does not even stand and he motions carry on..

Mrs. Garcia looks around the vice chairman, "Honey.." She sees Andros smile and shrug his shoulders, "Went slumming I see.. Ms. Rockefeller.." shaking her head, "You going to tell me that you dealt with the Four star general too.."

Smiling rockerfeller leans forward, "Do you want me to? I mean I talked with my girlfriend at Eaton.. Her father works for director Pinson.. I had his XO sent to Anteartica.. I mean I heard there is a slot available in the Sahara dessert.."

Mrs. Garcia went wild eyed, "You.. " She laughs, "You never acted like you.. Well you were snooty .."

Rockefeller whispers, "A lady must maintain appeara.."

Rockefeller's voice fills the air, "Morning baby.. You want to join us .. Again?"

Austin giggles as Rockefeller glares at Andros, "Littleman.. for the love of god.. Shut the F#$% up!!!"

Mrs. garcia whispers, "See what happens when you go slumming.."  

Andros raises his eyebrows and touches his tongue to his nose, making Rockefeller take a deep breath, "Littleman.."

The female students are all smiling but stop when Rockefeller glares at them..

She takes her plate and walks over to Andros and Austin.. Andros kisses her and whispers something to her and gets slapped.. Austin goes to hug Rockefeller and to her surprise She kisses her.. " I.."

Rockefeller winks and sits down on andros's other side, "We will need to eat before S#$% starts.."

Bill Clinton laughs at the scene then sees Regina's eyes seemingly green, "Ok.. He may not like me but.. D@#n.."

Hillary hits Bill in the arm and narrows her eyes, "Bill.."

Several of the Students join the Clinton's end of the Table...

Chelsea smiles like her father, "So.. I have to ask what is it like here.."

Several of the Liberal students seem nervous.. 

One of the students takes a deep breath, "I am Julie.." She nervously fiddles with her ambush press badge, "I am with the student Journalist division... We.. We are proud democrats.."

Regina stands up as her senses go off, "Littleman.."

BB looks at the students that are gathering near trump, "Ewe Sonna Beach.."

Trump smiles as one of the well dressed students takes a deep breath, "Mr. Trump.. I am with ambush news.. The.."

Julie smiles sweetly, "So is it ok If I run a few questions past you.. Captain Colt is our Adjunct Professor.. We have to get real world practice.."

Bill smiles as Trump gives the kill signal to his wife and daughter, "Of course Julie.. We support active journalism as part of free speech.. Little Lady.."

Julie blushes as she turns around .. Hillary catches a look in Julie's eyes as she looks down.. Whispering, "I am so sorry.." Looking straight at hillary, "This is Julie of ambush news.. I am sitting in the Mess Hall of the Tesla Institute for Higher Learning with the Democratic Nominee for President of the united states.. Madam Secretary.." Julie looks down in shame, "How do you respond to the charges that You allowed Ambassador Stephens to die a horrible death.. He was raped and beaten multiple times.."

Hillary gets a very aghast look on her face, "Child.. You.."

"How do you respond to the accusation that you refused to send the necessary military aide to the four SEALS.."

Bill Clinton gets a pissed off look on his face, " Listen.. We are tired of the same regurgitation of political statements against my wife.. For the record we have stated that no military units where within the area.."

Julie is almost in tears as she catches andros's glare.. she brings up a hologram, "That is a ball faced lie.. These blue dots are the US military's forces in the area as provided by SPAWAR.. We also have the tapes coming from your office Madam Secretary proving with a time stamp that you let them sit there and die.."

Chelsea stands up, "Mr. Colt.. Have the courage of your own convictions and come do your own dirty work.."

Julie takes deep breath when andros glares at her, "Chelsea.. How do you respond to that fact that your husband benefited from your mothers knowledge of affairs of state.. Did the good people of the united states at least get a cut? We have the records.."

Hillary starts yelling, "F#$% you.. I will have my secret service agents.."

Rufus does not even look up as he snaps his fingers and signals the Wendigo and Skinwalkers..

Before they can move, Horned great beast grab the Secret Service Agents.. One of the Trust secret Service Agents goes to move, "May day.. The.."

As his weapons is still moving an invisible force throws him into air.. the secret Service agents gun seems to bend as he is in the air holding his side arm.. A few seconds later the Agents slams into the solid concrete floor with a crack..

All the students wearing black badges go to one knee and like their great ape ancestors put their palms up in submission.. 

The Secret Service Agents are dragged outside by the Wendigo and skinwalkers..

A short redheaded kid appears like a decloaking Predator.. He stomps on the Agents hand crushing it.. The sound of a very pissed off alley cat seems to come from him.. The kids on their knees are shaking in fear as the others seems to back up..

"good morning Mr. Smithson.. Please join me for breakfast," Rufus speaks without looking up from his now multiple holoscreens..

Helos growled at the now wounded Agent as he walked to Mrs. Garcia.. Very meekly, "Good Morning Mrs. Garcia.." Helos gives her a hug and whispers to her..

Mrs. Garcia smiles and hugs Helos.. She whispers back to him and goes to a cooler.. she takes out a container, "I made it earlier this morning Littleone.. " She hands it to Helos, "You still do not talk much.."

Helos whispers something to her..

Laughing, "My daddy always said that.. "

Helos goes and sits down across from Rufus as he drinks his shake..

"For the love of god get off the floor," Rufus responds as he seems to hand holograms to Helos to read.. "The Sargent At arms is a little busy.."

A ten year oldish little girl walks in wearing a hello kitty costume pajamas.. She walks over to Andros and yawns.. She hops in his lap and snuggles next to him, "Good morning uncle andros.." She takes his fork and takes a bite of his breakfast, "Yuck.."

"Lucy," austin whispers..

Lucy shakes her head as she looks at both women, "Really.. " she hops down and walks over to one of the taller kids with a black badge.. She defiantly holds her hand out, "I want frosted flakes.."

The trust kid starts to say something and then looks down..

"Lucy," Rockefeller calls out.. "You cant just take food from other kids.."

Lucy growls at the kid with the Black Badge..

He looks away, "Listen it was just talk Lucy.."

She kicks the kid in the shins knocking him to the ground, "They know.. She hasnt had her morning briefing.."

"S#$%.. S#$%..Please.." the kid has tears in his eyes, "It wasnt me.. I.."

Lucy smiles, "Go get me milk.. three of them.." Walking back over to Andros, "What he smells good.. Uncle alex said I got to pick one if I wanted.. We are having a tea party here in the Mess Hall.. He will dress up as my butler.. No my french maid.."

"What do you mean," Rockefeller looks at Andros.. "Baby.."

Austin shakes her head, "Lucy.. You are making an enemy.."

The trust kid has his fist balled up glaring at Lucy..

"then he is free to go.. I thought he was cute and .. Well..." Lucy looks out from her mismatched bangs as she sat back in Andros's lap, "auntie Sandra was taking a shower.. Uncle Alex said of course I could play.. Everyone is going to be busy today.." Lucy glared at austin, "I was locked out of Uncle andros's room by a mean rude B#$%^.."

the Trust kid is wide eyed, "Is.. Is Gretcchen on her way.."

"You so have to try that little shop right down the.." An Amazon looking blonde walks in with Melania Trump, "Ok.."

"Wat da Hail," BB leans over to Donald Trump.. "Don.. Be careful.."

Seeing the woman with her hair up professionally, the trust kid smiled politely.. "What time is Tea Ms. Bach.. I will go ask Doc first if it is ok if we have tea time of course. One must always act with manners."

"Do you mind if I watch KERA," Lucy leans forwards seriously .. "Your buying lunch.. I want Pizza.."

"I dont know.. I was going to see If Mrs. Garcia would make fajita's.." the Trust kids sweetly answered.. "Not to mention I am on couch tuner watching Game of Thrones.. Are you willing to go show for show.."

"Fajita's.. Ohh, can I keep him auntie Gretchen.. My own pool boy," Lucy's comment makes Austin laugh.. "And he watches GoTs

"Lucy.. you have been around Andros and Alex way to long.. No.." Gretchen glares at the kid, "Francis right.. Why are you so willing to.."

"He is saving his own A$$.. Uncle alex said it was the most motivating force in human history.. Right next to getting Laid," Lucy grins.. "The safest place for my pool boy is at my table.."

"What if your dad decides he is being TOO nice," Rockefeller whispers to Lucy..

"S#$%.. " Lucy starts doing some quick thinking, "S@#$!!!"

Andros whispers to Lucy..

"Fine.. I missed a point.. But he is cute," Lucy smiles as one of the trust females walks by.. Lucy follows her making gretchen laugh.. "Auntie Gretchen.. thats not funny.."

Andros calmly speaks, "Lucy.. Lets work today on a simple principle.. If your going to be a doctor like your father.."

"Proper Pre- Planning Prevents Piss poor performance.." Lucy's slumps down and opens her frosted Flakes as she eats it.. Francis heads over to the line and buys more Frosted flakes and six milks..

"Wow.. I am still amazed at the trust instincts.." Rockefeller smiles as Gretchen sniffs the air, "Ms. Pinson.. since your being rude.. When can we expect you and Helos to get hitched.."

Gretchen Narrows her eyes, "austin.. You three.. god.."

Andros looks over at the Male kid in front of Trump as they all were listening..

Swallowing hard, "This is Drake with ambush news.. Mr. Trump.." 

Donald trump looks over at the Clinton's, "Son before I am answering this who is listening to this?"

BB takes a moment, "Don.. De mos powerful people in de world.. Ambush news Charges a million greenbacks for a basic year subscription service.. Paid in advance and only covers from January fewrst to Decemb Tirty Fewrst.. No pro-rate..No refunds or Exchnages.. No Credit cash only!"

Ivanka starts to speak only for Chelsea to look interrupt, "Wait.. How many subscribers does Mr. Colt have?"

BB looks across the table, "Now Cher.. lets just say that its over two hundred.. " BB looks over at Andros, "Ijuts.. Payin dat much to listen to a man talk.."

"Dad.." Ivanka whispers to her father, "He did not say it was all basic service.. I assume they have pay per view events.. "

Melania smiles as she walks over to her husband and kisses him.. She whispers, "Average Joe Entertainment.. Signed him as a reporter in 2013.. I have a friend or two.."

"Ain gon work cher.. Contract very D@#n clear.. Tat gator F#$%ing bastitch sent me wit a check to his agent for fifteen percent.. Nutin but izzues til BB splained he had Andros colt's check for his agent.. We no had to pay da man, but andros is man of his word.. Told me Verbal contract.. I ain said nuting yet.. Man's wurd is wat he selds.." BB shakes his head, 

Donald trump looked at Hillary, "BB.. How much for a Premium subscription for your favorite contender. I assume subscribers have no control over conntent."

Melania reaches into her purse and takes out a checkbook, "Honey.. I grabbed this for you.."

"Sorry Cher.. No checks.. Cash only.. Yes, subscribers hat NO control over content.. Der is an indemnity clause for two hundred million, if a subscriber tries to influence.. Posted bond," BB instantly has out a pad.. "For one year of Premium service, dis fifty million.. Youse gain access to the most unfiltered accurate news in the world.. Of course it is ONLY for YOUSE to listen to.. We allow guest free for a week.. then wit Premium youse are allowed four guest and a discount to special events.. I have a specific Bond Agent who handles the bonding.. "

Chelsea narrows her eyes, "Like today.."

"Wat cher.. Money is Money.." BB laughs, "We got fiftey new subscribers over Brexit.. Cameron pissed off Macer.." Looking at Chelsea, "DE FORMER Prime Minister of de British Isles was rude to Mammy Tolliver.." BB snorts, "And Ambush news was the first to report what would happen.. Macer ensured it was an unrigged vote.. Cher Why do you tank dat does Libcons got so pissy over de vote.. Macer F#$%ed em.."

Regina takes a deep breath, "BB.. Mr. trump has questions to answer.. Then me and Nico are going to have a little talk.."

Drake takes a deep breath, "Mr. Trump.. The powerbbrokers are listening.. "

"BB.. " andros speaks in BB's voice in klan's speak speak, "BB.. Tell Drake to do his D@#$ job.. And dont go yanking his tail feathers.. He work for you, now get out of his D@#$ way and let him do his job.."

In Klan's Speak Speak, "God Bless.. Andros he is gonna gun down.. Awe, chit.. " Switching to english, "Drake boy do ya job.."

"Kid.. You are doing this because you enjoy the work right," Trump looks over at the clintons.. "The people who can afford this servie have a lot of say.. I want to take this opportunity to reach and hopefully my case to them.. Hit me with your Best shot Drake.. Hold nothing back.."

Gaining a little confidence, "This is drake with Ambush news live from the Mess Hall here at TIfHL.. With me is Donald Trump.." Taking a deep breath, "First Question Mr. trump.. How do you intend to explain your immoral behavior and your divorces to the Christian members of the GOP.."

"That is a fluffball question, "chelsea growls..

Julie answers her, "No mam.. It is based on what his support base will care about .. " Looking Chelsea right in the face.. "This is Julie with Ambush news.. Besides dodginng Questions it appears the Clinton family refuse to answer the question given to them."

As donald Trump answers his Question, Drake goes to the next one.. Trump takes a deep breath and starts to answer..

"It was the white house that called off the rescue missionn.. My hands were tied.. I did my best to protect the General and Admiral that were relieved of duty.." Hillary Clinton opens her eyes, "Klien was correct their was no love lost in the white house between me and the Obama's.."

Julie is stunned by the admission..

"It was Rhodes who told me that the official story was it was a video and I better stay on script," Hillary finished her answer.. "they threatened my Daughter.."

Julie's voice comes from Andros, "You heard it here first with Ambush news.. Direct Confirmation that the white house ordered a stand down.. "

Julie took a deep breath as Everyone was looking at Hillary.. "Mrs. Clinton.. So our listeners at Home understand very clearly.. You stated that their is no love lost between you and the white house.. So Mr. Macer was correct.."

Bill sees the frustration on hillary's face, "Mr. Macer was correct.. Hillary and me decided to keep separate servers from the white house because we could not TRUST them.. Chicago style politics means we had to protect ourselves.."

Austin whispers to Andros, "Did she just admit all of that.. How did you get to that.."

"Easy.. The price of the subscription means those listening have the power their white trash A$$es have been suckling tit for their whole lives.. So Alex gave the candidtes a direct forum. " Andros narrows his eyes, "The show is just getting star.."

Rockefeller Grabs andros and kisses him.. After light seems to come from him to her, "I see.. " Sighing, "I like those briefings littleman.. So Little Rufus will be doing the interviews.."

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RE: For Mr. G- Operation Rebirth: 2016 election - by Armonica_Templar - 07-17-2016, 03:28 AM

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