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Nationwide shortage of coins
(06-28-2020, 03:01 PM)TheRedneck Wrote: We ain't seen nothing yet,

It's been less than 6 short months since I first heard of the WuFlu/King Flu/Democrat virus. In that minuscule amount of time, we have seen:

Entire industries shut down by law for public safety.

Public safety laws passed by executives only, with no legislative input even.

National shortages on everything from beef products to toilet paper to hand sanitizer to now coins.

Our deficit exploding under the weight of a closed economy.

People literally held hostage in their states and not allowed to leave.

Travel restrictions between states.

Medical clinics closing their doors to sick people.

Nationwide calls to end police protection.

Continual riots driving police form their own precincts.

Cities taken over by armed gangs of thugs.

Spiking crime rates.

Police fired and charged with murder over self-defense.

The illegal destruction of historical monuments, often with official support.

Denial of the right to protest based solely on the cause protested.

Denial of religious freedom.

A serious candidate for President with advanced dementia.

Out here, little has changed... so far. The sun still rises in the right place at the right time, grass still grows way too fast, rain still falls to make the crops grow, people still shake hands and talk politely to each other. But I have been around the block enough times to know that will not continue. The insanity will come here as well, and will be welcomed with open arms. I have installed working locks on my doors for the first time in 30 years. I recently renewed my CCW permit after 35 years. I am considering installing CCTV stations around the place. I am actively purchasing a few new firearms and ammunition along. And I am not alone: the sheriff's department here has literally put in an express lane for CCW permits to handle the overload. I would imagine there are hound dogs in this county who are packing heat now.

People are readying themselves. That's a good thing. We ain't seen nothing yet.


That is one hell of a list that you have there.

To see everything written down and lined up as you have it, is mind blowing.
Especially since it's all taken place in the span of approx 4 months 

Who in the world ever thought that Medical clinics would close their doors to the sick or postpone much needed surgery???
Not I.

I feel like there are many factors at play here, just wondering which one will come out on top.

What started out as a health issue has gone the way of political issue, thus making the virus scare seem disingenuous.

Many families were denied funerals due to covid.
Yet a stranger had a funeral on national TV with THOUSANDS of people attending and not one peep about spreading the virus.

People going to beaches and churches were condemned.
People protesting peacefully due to the lock down were called selfish, uncaring, didn't care if people died.

Yet thousands of people protested nationwide all in the name of GF, destroying property and not. one. word. of selfish, uncaring or didn't care if people died. Not one word from MSM about not complying with social distancing or wearing masks. Not one word about spreading the virus.

THIS here is why the whole coronavirus scenario seems politically motivated.

Yes, covid is real, I do not deny that it is not.

BUT one cannot be selective on which groups of peoples can be condemned, all the while excusing and overlooking other groups of peoples.

That is not how a real health pandemic works.
A real pandemic knows no skin color or political affiliation.
It does not know age or gender.

It does know those who are vulnerable, weak and with existing health conditions.

Unless the virus is not as bad as they once made it out to be, which there have been and still is much contradictory information being spread around by both govt officials as well as MSM

I know this much --- the year 2020 will go down in history as one of the most fukked up years!! EVER

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

Messages In This Thread
Nationwide shortage of coins - by senona - 06-28-2020, 05:35 AM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by ChiefD - 06-28-2020, 05:43 AM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by MisterSpock - 06-28-2020, 05:58 AM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by TheRedneck - 06-28-2020, 01:34 PM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by Snarl - 06-28-2020, 02:07 PM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by TheRedneck - 06-28-2020, 03:01 PM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by senona - 06-29-2020, 02:19 AM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by Ahabstar - 06-28-2020, 02:59 PM
RE: Nationwide shortage of coins - by drussell41 - 06-28-2020, 05:47 PM

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