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Is 714X the Cure for Cancer (and other diseases) That We've Been Waiting For?
Quote:What does the Q mean anyway?

tinyhuh Uhh...  well, I thought you knew since it's in your avatar.

Q is the name of a group of less than 10 people who work closely with President Trump, mostly military intelligence, but a few who aren't.
They started posting on 4Chan back in Oct. 2017. They eventually moved to 8Chan, and now they post on their own website called 8Kun. 
Q+ is President Trump, if you see a post signed Q+, just so you know.

They use these boards to communicate with the public in the form of questions to avoid sharing any high level intelligence  that could get them in trouble.
Basically, they point people (called Anons) in the right direction where they need to look to find out what's going on behind closed doors. They had to find a way to communicate the truth to the public because the MSM is FAKE NEWS. 

They have caused an awakening across the globe like nothing else that has ever been seen in history.
Now, you'll get people who don't believe Q is real, but that's because the main stream media have done a number of smear jobs on the team, and they planted people within the "movement" to make us look bad. Q is a threat to them because they are sharing the truth, not Deep State propaganda.

They helped us to expose NXVIM, Hollywood actors, Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary, the Bidens, and just about any kind of corruption that was being covered up by the Deep State Swamp.

It's really too much to get in to at this point, but if you wish to take a look, go to and read the posts. If you need help in decoding, there are lots of Anons out there with You Tube channels that will help you understand. The best decoder I've found for deep dives is Citizen Investigative Report, and IPOT. There are plenty of others too.

I also started covering Q in my first thread "Let's Go Down the Rabbit Hole", part 1. I'm on my third thread now, part 3.

I can't believe you haven't heard of Q, being someone who gets on forums like this. 
Well, now you know, so I hope you take a good look at it and keep up with what they are telling us so you too will know the truth.

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RE: Is 714X the Cure for Cancer (and other diseases) That We've Been Waiting For? - by Mystic Wanderer - 01-15-2020, 11:57 PM

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