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Why is NoOne In This Administration Allowed To Say Muslim Radicals
I heard just a few minutes ago that Loretta Lynch is releasing the 9-11 tapes from the Orlando shooting... but insists on scrubbing all reference to ISIS from them first! Why release the tapes at all if they are so heavily censored (as in "Soviet" and "1984") that all evidentiary value are scrubbed out of them? After that, it's just another goddamned phone conversation. It's to be a "partial" (i.e. "censored") trascript of the calls.

You know who historically had rampant censorship? Hint: it wasn't the Good Guys. Good Guys have nothing to hide.

I'll tell you at this point why the Obama Regime insists on using "ISIL" instead of "ISIS" - ISIL stands for "Islamic State in the Levant", while ISIS limits their AO to Syria, rather than the entire Levant. That right there tells me that the Obama Regime has big plans for their buddies, Gomer and his boys in ISIS, and has no intent to put any limits on them.

After all, Obama and Hillary CREATED and nurtured ISIS. ISIS is THEIR baby, born out of wedlock apparently, a bastard child. They nurtured ISIS, they armed and directed ISIS, and now they are going against the only folks who are fighting ISIS, i.e. Assad and the Russians. Well, there are a few others fighting ISIS, like the Kurds and Iraqis, whom the Obama Regime try hard not to even notice.

Therefore, it does not surprise me that the Obama Regime is anxious to scrub any reference of an allegiance to ISIS out of the 9-11 calls made by a shooter in a pretty unpopular shooting. It puts their bastard ISIS children in a bad light to be associated with that mean old boy and his ugly "assault weapons" going along killing off innocent folk who weren't doing anything but throwing a party.

So you see, the ties actually go a bit deeper than just a refusal to mention "Islamic Extremists" They go deep enough to have actually created this current crop of Islamic Extremists and are in the process of nurturing them through their childhood and adolescence.

There is a power of sorts in words, and in how they are used, but it has limits. They can use words to try and protect their bastard children, just like you can call a skunk a rose. However, when the rubber meets the road, merely calling a skunk a rose does not make it a rose in fact... nor does it keep it from spraying you with a decidedly un-rose-like liquid.

I guess the Obama Regime has yet to learn that limitation on propaganda... 50 folks in  Orlando learned it real quick, though. The Rose sprayed them, and it smelled a whole lot like skunk.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Why is NoOne In This Administration Allowed To Say Muslim Radicals - by Ninurta - 06-20-2016, 03:45 AM

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