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When Animals Attack

The US has been creeping towards the cliff, and now it appears we are at the brink. The bellicose rhetoric of the left wing has steadily emboldened attacks on the right, and now we have ANTIFA not just chanting at folks in restaurants to try to run them off, ride them out of town on a rail, but actually showing up at doorsteps, shouting threats and damaging property, trying to break in doors so they can get at the innocent families of those whom they disagree with.

A crowd of about 20 ANTIFA drones assaulted Tucker Carlson's house while he was at work and only his vulnerable family was at home, chanting things like "we know where you sleep" - a blatant threat - and demanding he leave town because he is a "racist" - but only in their own eyes, not by any objective measure at all. They vandalized his driveway and vehicles. They beat his OAK door to the point of cracking it. They posted his address online, as well as the addresses of several persons of his acquaintance, no doubt with intent of further violence. They threatened him and his family with pipe bombs.

"Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night" 

"Racist scumbag, leave town!"

"Every night you spread fear into homes — we remind you that you are not safe either"




Let's see what Webster has to say about such actions...

noun: terrorism
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
    "the fight against terrorism"

Violence and intimidation? Check.
Against civilians? Check
In pursuit of political aims? Check.

What we have here, boys and girls, is a bona-fide instance of terrorism... yet I see nary a single, solitary ass sitting in jail awaiting trial for it. Not one... much less anyone being transported to Gitmo.

I take heart in the fact that many people, both right and left, have condemned the attack. At the same time, I seriously doubt that it will curtail the mayhem perpetrated by ANTIFA and their ilk at all. We have Leftist mucky-mucks actively calling for disruption and mayhem, and not a single one of them has yet walked back on their calls to violence. On the contrary, Maxine Waters was actually re-elected to her office, and apparently handed more power and a bigger bully pulpit to spew her hate. Eric Holder has yet to retract HIS calls for violence as well.

None of them have.

When our political leaders call for terrorism and condone it, well, that's a little discouraging.

Over the last few hours, I've seen talking head after talking head call for "more tolerance", "acceptance of diverse viewpoints", etc, and I believe that to be the wrong tactic. Throwing their own words and phrases back at them will only give them a sense that they have won, they have managed to steer national debate by means of their violence, and have even defined the very words we can use - after all, all we can do is beg them and plead with them using their own Newspeak!

Fuck that. I'm not willing to placate the spinless, piss-ant bastards. If they're badass enough to come to my house and threaten me, then they'd better be badass enough to take what they have coming to them, because badass enough or not, it will damned sure come to them. 

I've had to assure two of my left-wing friends that if the Right ever came after them, I'd be right there to defend them, and I would, in a heartbeat. I know these hills like the back of my hand, and the attackers would never even see what hit them. I don't give a shit which side of the political spectrum they are on, they'd best leave me and mine alone. As it turns out, it's not the Right side perpetrating the attacks.

A friend of mine lamented just a week or two ago that he would love to tangle with ANTIFA, but would likely never get the chance because they know that if they ever come here, they'll never leave upright. I concur - if they ever do get bold enough to show up here, they'd best bring their own body-bags, or else we'll leave them baking in the sun for the buzzards. Buzzards gotta eat, too, y'know? We won't even muster the energy to drag them to an abandoned mine shaft to chuck them in. They'll stay where they lay.

One thing is for sure - those silly-assed tambourines they jangle when they chant like a bunch of black-clad Moonies (look it up if you're not old enough to know what a "Moonie" is) won't do them much good once they utter the first threat to one of us here in the boonies.

To borrow a phrase from that great Communist philosopher Killary Klinton, "you can't be civil with your political opponents" Fine. I don't feel any particular encumbrance to be civil to them, seeing as how their own philosophers ban civility... and I'm damn sure not going to beg them to play nice. Even I, dumbassed hillbilly that I am, am smart enough to know that you can't reason rationally with unreasonable and irrational people. They just don't get it when you try.

I have another option altogether.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Messages In This Thread
When Animals Attack - by Ninurta - 11-09-2018, 07:31 AM
RE: When Animals Attack - by Mystic Wanderer - 11-09-2018, 04:48 PM
RE: When Animals Attack - by Ninurta - 11-09-2018, 05:09 PM

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