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Operation Rebirth: Phone Booths, Deloreans, And Particle Accelorators

"F#$%ing National guard morons.. Looks like we won," A major shook his head.. "Inproper watch standing.. If this was real you would all be dead.. Captain Little.." The National guard men were all tied up covered in paint..

"Major Crowley," a marine corps Recon Sargent dressed in all black responded.. "Head count is off.."

"Where the F#$% is Lance Corporal Colt sargent Daniels.. And the missing five women.. " The Major yelled, "Spread out and find her.. " 

"No offense sir she is a housewife," Sargent Daniels went flying backwards from the back hand..

"You are on report you dumb," Austin quietly Dropped from the tree stabbing the Major in a non vital spot..

Putting a nine mill on the back of the major, "Looking for me. This gun came from home Major.. The girls with me also brought our own tools.."

"Lance Corporal Colt," The Sargent was up quickly as the moonlight showed.. 

Captain little laughed when a live round nicked the tree right behind the Sargent, "You were saying Major.." A knife lands in front of the Captain.. After he cut himself free, "Thank you ladies.."

"Sir," Austin is grinning.. "they forgot I Have been F#$%ing my husband since he was thirteen years old.. I was taught to fight by him and a few of our friends.."

The Recon group narrows their eyes..

the Major is cussing, "You still have to get the other trainees that.." A males scream of pain fills the air, "God D@#$ it.."

"Lance corporal.. what would your husband do right now," The Captain was in the Majors face..

"We need to move now sir," Austin responds.. She gets an evil smile, "Do you boys want IHOP.."

Sargent wilds while still pissed cuts himself free, "Sir.. We were told.."

The Sargent gets hit in the back of the head by a tech major, "Boy.. We were told to get from Lance Corporal Colts house to Paris Island.. We drag the prisoners.. Besides.." The tech sargent took the gun from Austin and backed up slowly, " Pull the knife out.."

As she did that the major fell to the ground, "Sir.. I have an idea or two on how to avoid them.. We could always sneak onto Paris Island Sir.."

"All right Corporal colt," Captain little smiles evilly.. "Bastards want to make me look like an Idiot.."

"Sir," Austin glares at Wilds.. "He has record for stealing cars.. time to see if he still has it.."

"Wilds.. Take two of your friends and jack me three cars.. Corporal Colt," The Captain watches at the Recon men are glaring.. "I study some of your Husbands stuff.. Lets talk about a few things.." With an evil grin, "Your husband has a way of doing business normally frowned on.. Your big on earning your own way.. You get us undetected onto Paris Island And I will personally call my father and have your promoted to second Lt.. The F#$%ing marines want to F#$% with me I will teach them a lesson.."

With a huge smile austin responds, "Sir.. He did tell me how he got passed the DoHS on steroids for over a year.. It wont work here but.." With a regretful sigh, "My mother told me something that applies here.. I need to call an old family friend.. I havent talked with him in a long time.."

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RE: Operation Rebirth: Phone Booths, Deloreans, And Particle Accelorators - by Armonica_Templar - 06-05-2016, 09:25 PM

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