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The 4th of July
As I briefly regained consciousness the last thing I saw were the mangled bodies of Lisa and John who had been directly behind me when the cabin was destroyed. They were both unrecognizable for who they once were; just bloody pieces of meat and hair scattered over the blackened forest floor.

How long I was out I really do not know, for the next thing I felt, was a hand on my neck and someone saying, “We got a live one”! Then I must have passed out once again.

I regained consciousness with some of my wits in a cave while laying on a cot. There was an I.V. In my left hand which only hurt very slightly when compared to several other real pains that seemed to want most of my attention . I knew better than to try an move other than my eyes, which thankfully seemed to be one of the few parts of my body that still worked and were not in total rebellion from pain.

A big guy came by and said, “Looks like you are going to make it after all ! I bet the doc pulled enough lumber out of your body to build an outhouse”.

“Where am I,” was my weaker than expected response.

“My friend you are with what's left of our element of the Oath keepers. We call ourselves the CFF which is short for, 'The Constitutional Freedom Fighters' of Colorado”.

“I hope you do not mind but we went through you billfold and found your pilots license. It says you can fly helicopters and fixed wing aircraft with an Airline Transport Pilot License.... When you are well and able there will be a few things you can do for us if you are up to it”.

“Thirsty.... water......please”. I managed to get past my cracked lips.

Post script:

In the first ninety days of this false flag event an estimated 60 million Americans died from the chaos and lack of medicine, water, and food. Another estimated 138 million were put to death in the camps.

The kids between the ages of 6 and 12 were not put to death but were sent to reeducation camps. America was not the only country who was using this model to destroy the 'unneeded and undesirables' of their populations for this was a world wide effort by 80% of all governments..

The answer to the 'why question' was actually simple if you understood the hard core socialist elite and their descendants who had been planning on this conceptual One World Socialist State for almost 90 years.

In this 'new socialist feudal state' everyone the world over would work in government directed programs for 12 hours a day for ten days straight before they could received one day off. All would be paid the same wage and private property was a thing of the past except for the Elite.

Those who complained would be either reeducated or sent to a receiving camp which was nothing more than a code name for a death camp. There was no retirement plan for anyone because, when you became unproductive or to old to work you were sent to a so called medical facility or a retirement home which emulated the receiving camps; in other words you were put to death.

Those who were at the top of this pyramid lived a lifestyle of power and hedonism that has not been seen since the Great Emperors ruled some rich land long ago.

Heads of even the lower local departments for this One World Socialist State were were well provided for either directly or through graft and corruption. Sexual favors were common if one needed a little extra food or an extra day off; providing the local sectional director or one of the staff had an eye for you. Otherwise breeding for replacements was strictly based upon genetics or a particular section leader's desires with his personal harem..

Evidently department heads fell out of favor regularly for there was a continuous reshuffling of the top positions at many departments to include the New Socialist Security Force (SSF) . Usually the reshuffling was preceded by accusing the existing section head of not producing their fair share of some quota which seemed to change at the discretion of the supreme council's edits.

Resistance really was futile. You either submitted to the new section leaders 'will' or you were put to death; sometimes in very perverted and creative ways for all the world to see.

This “Man Made Technocracy of Evil” that came upon the Earth, made the dark ages and the inquisition, seem like heaven on earth by anyone's comparison.

The section leader's children had the best of everything to include special education. While the reeducated young of the masses after a few short years, knew no other life. Any prior history and life style was deleted from their minimal 5 years of education. This existence they now lived was the way it has always been, and would always be, just ask anyone of their caste .


The inspiration for the story was given me while listening to the following video.
Caravan To Midnight - Episode 250 Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising
If interested, start at about the 20 minute mark for the Who, What, and Where the pushing for global Technocracy is coming from...... and the true high sounding definitions of programs that will effect all our lives; as they are beginning to already......... few will ever recognize these current programs for what true evil they actually are, until it is all but to late..and futile.

Messages In This Thread
The 4th of July - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:56 AM
RE: The 4th of July - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:58 AM
RE: The 4th of July - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:59 AM
RE: The 4th of July - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 04:02 AM
RE: The 4th of July - by guohua - 06-02-2016, 05:13 AM

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