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OS: After Effects of moriarty city

Alex raises a glass to the hologram and speaks in an ancient language, "Whiskey for men.."

The image of Lt. Butterworth raises a glass and speaks in the same ancient language, "Beer for my horses.."

Micro-holograms play in the hotel room..

Sandra dries her hair, "Delano I.." She pauses as she sees Alex and the Lt. drink.. Grabbing a towel, "Delano.. That.."

She watches as armored men are slitting throats, Detonating explosives, sniping, standing over posioned bodies..

"Mrs. Tolliver," Buttersworth bows.. "Mr. Chairman.. The men and women behind moriarty city will not see monday morning.. The knghts Templar will see to it.."

A hologram of Madam Chairman appears, "Alex.. Darling.."

"Madam Chairman.. " Buttersworth speaks, "My knights templar need the Yee Naldlooshi  help.. "

"Delano," Sandra stops when she sees Madam Chairmans hologram slit a throat.. "That.."

"Was the general that thought he would quietly leave," Madam Chairman smiles.. "Grandmaster Templar.. How may the skinwalkers aide you?"

The two spoke as alex watched the ones being assassinated died..

"I want the men you catch alive to have their rights honored.." Alex spoke interrupted them, "I want the remainder that you take into custody to face the tribunal.. They are all facing a fate worse then death.."

"Mr. Chairman," Buttersworth whispered.. "Fate worse then death?" Holding his thoughts for a moment,"You.. "

Buttersworth laughs, starts to speak and then laughs..

"The insane man," Sandra shakes her head..

"Noel.. He is completely sane," Alex takes another sipp of his drink.. Sandra looks at Alex confused, "And Grand Master of the Templars.. We are going fishing.. "

"Alex.." Madam Chairman has a confused look for a second, "You think the Tribunal is corrupt.. They were vetted by.."

"I have men in position Mr. chairman.. " Looking at Alex, "And with Madam Chairmans help I can rig the game."

Everyone pauses as one of the c-130's in the microholograms is hit and turned into a fireball.

"My. God Uncle Phillip just," Madam Chairman brings up a recording.. "F#$% me.. Everyone is hunting these mother fuckers.."

The recording from a few seconds ago shows a satilite firing..

Another Hologram appears of an old man in a bathrobe, "They did not get away Madam Chairman.. Grandmaster.."

"Admiral "De'Chez," Buttersworth holds back his laugh to half of one..

"I have ordered all our intell shared.. Vorley is dealing with the SPAWAR officers involved," Admiral De'Chez has a cold look on his face.. "Son these types of men are above the law.. Not justice.."

"I am just a kid.. With a VERY simple request. I am going to sleep," Alex nods with a hand signal to Madam Chairman..

"Understood," Madam chairman smiles evilly as Alex cuts the hologram..

Alex sits the glass down and takes a deep breath..

"Delano.. Are you ok," Sandra takes his hands in her face?

Tears fell down Alex's face as he hold Sandra's nude body next to him..

"Baby," Sandra tries not to cry.. "You.. "

"I do not like being right.. I.. I cant be mad at Andros for F#$%ing my mother.. It upset me.. This.. I am numb Noel.." Alex swallows hard as the ters stop, "I cant let any of them see me having emotions for even a second.."

"You are letting them be," Sandra stops and goes wide eyed.. "If they escape.. The family members of those involved will kill them.. You get the ones who are hiding.."

"Helos is off killing several people.. I gave him a list of untouchables," Alex shook his head.. "About seven.. so far six .. Noel.. Helos ripped them apart.. Piece by piece.. Gretchen .. You need to speak with her.. Helos is also.."

"Delano.." She stands Alex up and takes off his shirt and pants.. "We are going to be baby.. You are no good to anyone.. I spoke with Doctor Gera.. I am sending all further calls to him.. Only Andros, Helos and Rufus are allowed to call in.."

"Rufus.. "Alex laughs, "You do not want to know what she is doing.. She is coordinating the  attacks from behind the scenes and .. Well lets say The CIA is not that upset over the death of a few of its agents.. Live training of interrogation techniques.. I.. I unleashed he!! Noel.. And Andros.."

Sighng, "I know baby.. He is acting like a heartbroken teenager.." Sandra got alex to lay next to her," I was told by a friend of my mothers.. Rumors are spreading he is in Esfer's arms.. I.."

Sandra kisses Alex's forehead as he is out cold..

"My littler Trailer trash.. You did good baby.. I shuld not have been so mean to the three of you," Sandra holds Alex close to her.. "Your growing faster then I thought.. I .. I love you Delano.. For the man you are.. God.. Thank your mother likes me.."

A light goes off and Sandra answers it with a whisper, "Ms. Mace.. Regina He just went to sleep tell Doc I got this end.."

A tear fell down Regina face, "And my littleboy is growing up.. Noel.. Take good care of him.."

"I will Ms.. Regina.. No word on Andros yet," Sandra whispers..

"Thank you darlin," Regina closer her eyes.. "Get some sleep yourself.."


Andros lays wrapped up in the bed sheets with Esfer..

Esfer swallows hard as she opens her eyes, "F#$%.. You.." Pausing as a short teenager appears out of nowhere, "Helos.."

Andros shakes his head and raises a single finger salute, snuggling closer to Esfer..

Helos sighs and whispers, "Doctor Gera wishes for a scan.. And when he wakes up to call him.."

Esfers swallows hard, "Mr. Smithson.."

"Take care of the mother F#$%ing punk," Helos growls and disappears.. The Balcony opens, "I was mad Andros.. But.. No one is escaping our grasp.. I.. Just one more person to torture to death.."

Andros sits up, "Helos.. I.. How is.. I.."

"She is worried about you," Helos does not reappear.. 

"I.. Did not sleep with Gretchen because of the soul speak," Andros sits up.. "Same for Sandra.. I have been a jacka$$.."

Helos does not reappear, "Andros You hurt her and Sandra's feelings.. It.." Helos  stops and reappears.. He steps forward and shuts the balcony, "She selected you to father her outsider child, didnt she?"

Andros closes his eyes, "Yes.. I just cant.. It is the part that makes all of it very hard.. Because my own desire would overwrite hers.. I.."

"Littleman.. You are a terrible friend you know that,"Helos looks at Esfers.. "Doctor Gera wants you to call him when you get out of bed.. Mam.. Doc has arranged for you to have two weeks off.. Doc's orders.."

Helos disappeared as the balcony door opened.. 

"Helos," Esfers watches as the blinds blow in the wind.. "S@#$.. I am in so much S#$%.. You F#$%ing B@st@rd.."

Andros kisses Esfers again..

"I will give you old man your age is 91," Esfers swallows hard.. "To the rest of the world your.. Your physically.."

Andros stops kissing Esfers and looks out the window and starts laughing..

A man screams makes Esfers turn..

"I am Sue... Head of the musketeers.. A division of the Templars.." The sound of a loud boot connecting to a jaw fills the air..

"Captain Colt is going to come in for questioning.. Boys their is only one of..."

"All for one," The male voice of Sue fills the air..

Esfers looks all around as several voices call out, "One for all.."

A man in all black repels down to the open balcony.. Esfers gasp as as she sees a blue and white armband as she grabs the covers....

"Grandmaster," A man with a samoli accent bows, "Docs orders sir.. You are to rest for two weeks.." Looking at Esfers as he tossed a burn phone onto a table, "God D@#$ sir.. RHIP in F#$%ing deedly do!" Sighing as he shut the doors, "Grandmaster.. Princess Lucinda Bach, the first, of the Committee for a better future.. Respectfully request the Grandmaster call her at his earliest convinience.. "

"A bunch of morons with swords.. We have," The man speaking now makes a sound as an arrow hits him..

Sue's voice fills the air, "Now knaves.. The grandmaster templar wishes to speaks with you.."

Esfers looks at Andros..

"Three borrowed SUV's have pulled up.. The injured men with crossbow bolts and arrows in them are being loaded up," andros sighs.. "Musketeers.. A branch of my Templars.."

"Count Norton.. You," Esfers kisses Andros as glow goes between them.. "He.. He was sane the whole time.. To hunt down a Donavan brother.."

"Apparently he as assumed the mantle of Grandmaster Templar.. Which tells me their is now a solid leader in the spot," Andros stops and bolts out of the bed nude..

"Littleman," Esfers watches as the nude Andros disappears with a leap..


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RE: OS: After Effects of moriarty city - by Armonica_Templar - 12-04-2017, 01:03 AM

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