08-23-2017, 03:15 AM
(06-28-2016, 03:10 AM)senona Wrote: They claim they received a "complaint"
Um, can they do that, destroy one's property that is within the city ordinance code, over a supposed complaint???
Are you kidding? An entire nation's history is being erased because of a complaint!
I have seeds from our gardens back years ago, and I don't even know if they will grow or not, but I keep hoping someday I can have a chance to find out.
I'm betting it was the codes that govern how your yard looks that got her livelihood destroyed. If your grass gets too high here where I live, they stick a sign in your yard that says "VIOLATION OF CODE." Not sure what the fines are, as I live in an apartment. All the yard decisions are up to the guys who get paid to mow. Of course, when they trim bushes I'd rather they not make them look dead for about three months from cutting them back so far!!! When I had a yard and landscaping, you couldn't tell when I trimmed my bushes. I made sure no bare branches were longer than the new growth I left. It gave the bushes a much softer, natural look instead of the "low-flying helicopter" approach!