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Star Trek: F#$% the Prime Directive


"Captain Ringo," A Suliban Lt. commander in modified body armor spoke.. "The Slipstream device will be online in about five minutes.. I have the extra shield generators on the Torpedo lunchers.. Same for the Phasers.. " Seeing the look on Ringo's face, "And surge protectors on all the links.."

"Litch," Ringo took a deep breath as he looked at the modifed core..

"Sir.. I will walk you through it," Yeoman gilmore whispered..

"Relax Captain.. " Lt. commander Litch grinned, "Those ten cubes you grabbed off the nebula station.. My kids were with my ex husband.. Him, I do not care about.. They were my world.."

"You know.."

"That you failed engineering 101 twice at the academy," Litch nodded her head yes.. "I told the Commander to F#$5 off.. Me and Gilmore will have you qualed in no time sir.."

Several members of the Engineering teams had froze at the comment..

"Get used to it," Litch smiled.. "The Captain can be trusted and will not be crawling up our A$$es.. That is my job in engineering.."

"I do have a few things I have to ask.. " Captain Ringo looked at the modified core, "I want every Engineer down to the crewman qualed up to Chief engineer.. I want your main qual here done first above the other quals..  Second, these new suits.. " The Captain saw that the engineers were all wearing the modified suits, "I want personal opinions on them.. Professional then personnel. Third..  I want every idea you have for improving and creation of new devices.. We may not use them, but I want them.. Unedited, then cleaned up ones. I do not care if the idea is based on flat earth technology extentions.. No matter what the idea is or  how insane.."

The engineers were all smiles as they looked at the Captain.. 

Ensign Zimmerman spoke, "So we can build a database then go through it.. " Looking at Litch, "Mam.. It may save us later on.. Like my idea for personal cloaks for security may not get approved.. But If I keep researching and building.. I might have ways to detect them that starfleet has not thought of.."

The Engineers all looked at each other..

"Yes.. You can share the database, but there is a rule.. No idea is to outlandish.. No one will make fun of a single proposal.. And no comments until Myself or Litch makes our review.." Captain Ringo grinned evilly, "I expect talking frogs and knights of old.. Next to secondary borrowing of singularity drives from the romulans.."

One of the Crewmen frooze in place.. "Sir.. I.."

"Will have a proposal for the captain Crewman," Lt. commander Litch smiled.. "The Captain discussed it with me.. I am not allowed to give my opinion until after he reads you professional proposal.."

"Are you serious sir," The human crewman was wide eyed.. "I turned that in on bar napkins as.. S#$%.."

"Crewman Leslie.. It was an excellant idea.. We may upgrade one of the modified Shuttles with one for Ensign Zimmerman," Captain Ringo watched as they all started whispering to each other..

"Lt. Commander," Crewman leslie spoke softly.. "Sir.. We also were kicking around an idea.. A new type of shuttle craft.. Heavily armored one.. "

"Your space tank," Lt. commander Litch almost chuckled but caught herself.. "Get the captain the raw idea.. Then the professional version.."

"I already have a small model sir," Crewman Leslie grinned.. "I am past the design stage.."

"Captain," Litch swallowed hard..

"I will give you one of the cargo bays.. " Captain Ringo smiled, "You must not miss any of your quals and this is done all on your free time.." 

Crewman Leslie was wide eyed, "I just have no.. Sir I need the singularity.."

"Acquiring the parts is also your deal.. I will have the chief pilot speak with you," Captain Ringo politely nods.. "He know a thing or two about those drives.."



Scimitar Class ship

A reman male in a modified enviro suit was looking over the Alpha Flyer, "Starfleet waste.. She sure looked pretty.."

"So in your professional opinion this is a piece of S#$%," Captain Ringo's voice carried across the launch bay..

"That and this D@#$% area is an after thought," The Reman's ensign pip on the suit was obvious.. "You must be the Runner.. Not bad sir.. How did you get Starfleet Intelligence to give you me sir.."

"V'Roum.. It was really just a trade," Ringo looked at the area.. "Can we fix this mess?"

"Keep two of the Alpha flyer's Captain.. Loan me a few technicians.. We will have to build something better," V'Roum took the pad from the Yeoman.. After reading it, "Let me see If I can get you the singularity.. I will grab the Crewman and Ensign.. Much D@#$ better.. A few tweeks and then we can go forward.."

"These," Captain Ringo walked over to several secured cargo boxes..

"A gamble..  A smart one sir.." V'Roum shakes his head, "I appreciate having the freedom to organize this S#$% my way.. We have all the parts we need stored sir for risa..  By the way.. The Ferengi storage racks were a good idea.."

Ringo just nodded, "The other supplies.." Seeing the Reman looking at him, "Just keep me quietly in the loop Ensign.."

"Sir.. It is," V'Roum paused for a second.. "The Commander has already came by.."

"The commander.. She is in training," Ringo nodded his head quietly. "You do not report the extra supplies till she starts to understand.. My only concern.."

"Is that nothing I bring on board affects the ship.. " V'Roum took a deep breath, "I will pass the information to Gilmore.. Commander Delia.. She was reporting the drones I aquired.."

"It is gong to take the Commander some time to adjust to how things really work.. She has the Textbook still up her A$$," Captain ringo pauses and looks at Ensign V'Roum..

"Sir.. Let me clear the air.. I was not supplying the midshipmen with performance enhancers.." V'Roum takes a deep breath, "I made an enemy or two who withheld .."

Ringo holds up his hand, "Ensign.. I know this.. I want you to quietly coordinate with Lt. Benz.. Keep an eye on the crew with her.. Say make it a lunch every so often.. I want my senior staff working together.. The drones?"

"Sir.. A ferengi made them for some Romulan friends of mine.. The Sub Commander died before she could take them.. I got them for a steal.." V'Roum walks over to a set of cargo boxes and activates one, "A debt paid to take them before the authorities took them.."

A scimitar looking drone flies up and scans the area..

Several Security personnel beam into the area moments later..

Lt. Benz is transporter a few seconds later, "Benz to bridge.. The captain is fine.."

After the bridge acknowledges, "Lt. I am glad your here.. Good timin and reflexes.. One issue.. I do ot want you beaming into hazardous situations personally.. V"Roum.. Let her check out our new toys.."

"Drones.. Starfleet denied your request Captain," Benz walks up to the Drone and scans it.. "These are romulan design.. Captain.."

"Starfleet said I could not get them from starfleet.." Ringo smiled as he headed out of the area, "Yeoman.."

"I like them sir.. It does mean more work to," Yeoman Gilmore stops midsentence and looks at the Captain.. "I take it that Crewman Leslie and Ensign Zimmerman just got assigned the task.."

"If Litch doesnt personally decide to do it herself," The Clang follows Captain Ringo as he and the Yeoman leave..


Luther Sloan

"Good morning sir," A human female with light brown hair spoke.." I am glad I caught you.. My orders have me here as Information Analyst.. This uniform is not standard for a ships counselor."

"Good morning Lt. JG Sloan," Captain Ringo looked at the female in Black and Purple.. "Welcome aboard the USS Gatling.. Have you made it to your Intelligence shack.. How can I help you?"

With a lot of anger, "Sir.. My father was member of Section 31 not me.. I am not a spy sir.. I am a counselor.. "

"Rebecca Sloan.. Oldest child of Luther Sloan.. Starfleet Security and Intelligence both cleared her.." Captain Ringo fills n Gilmore, "Admiral Uhura ok'd this.. I told her I thought all of starfleet got it wrong and she is Sectin 31.. She blames Dr. Bashir for killing her father.. Not aware this whole time her father's death was because of his own stupidity."

Marla Gilmore Freezes for a second as Anger passes through Sloan.. She draws her phaser immediately, "Step back mam.."

"My father was a good and kind man.. That augment doctor used a mind probe on my father.." Her stance changes, "I am not .."

Captain Ringo slams Lt. JG into a panel busting it, " I need an intelligence officer.. I chose you.." Several members of security are immediately there, "What if I cant run Rebecca? Huh. What if I have to stay and fight bravely and foolishly? What then? I have never won a fight.. that is what section 31 does right? Go into the dark places and do the things starfleet claims it does not need.. Yet your father worked hand in hand with admirals and Captains.. He fought the good dirty fight.. Every persons life on this ship is in your hands.. And yours in theirs.."

"I am NOT section 31," Lt. JG Sloan paused when she saw security with rifles up.. The Captain had her pinned to the Pway's display, "Sir.. I am not a spy.."

"Fine," Ringo dropped her cold bloodily.. "You will learn to be one.. If you want to play counselor go ahead.. That is what a counselor does right.. Analyses people and then gives them advice based on that.. I have several rules for you to pass to your handlers. My shhip, my rulles.. Any information you collect in doing your job is to be respected in privacy.. I find you blackmailing any of my crew.. I will beam you into space for ten seconds then beam you out.. rinses repeats.. Thirds.. A biggie.. No operations aboard my ship.."

"Sir.." From the ground trying to hide her anger, "I am.."

"Your first report Lt. JG is due before we reach Risa.. I want you analyst on the people's general moods counselor followed by Risan leadership.." Ringo walked past security, "Turn it into Commander Delia.. Do your job you were trained for and the one I assigned you to.."

"Yeoman," Sloan looked at Gilmore as she put her phaser up.. "He.."

"I trust him.. Why does he trust you.. That is the question Spy," Gilmore shook her head..

Captain Ringo stops cold, "Your father had this laugh.. It was deep and he knew some of the dirtiest jokes I ever heard.. Your father Administered my entrance exam.. Tried to convince me I was not starfleet material.. Offered me a job, I turned them down. He got a call at the end of the exam.."

The Security officers all turned towards the Captain..

"You.. My father put you in starfleet," Rebecca Sloan paused..

"As a F#$% you to starfleet brass, telling me they deserve me.. How else do you think an unqualified cadet got into starfleet?" Captain ringo had turned around, "  He then gave me one sentence to defend my answer.. I told him that because I was a failure it made me the perfect choice for starfleet..I made him laugh so hard, he altered my score just enough."

Everyone in the hallway was silent..

"What.. You all worship Kirk.. I found a way to beat the odds," Ringo smiled as he clanged down the hallway. "Changed the rules.. It is good to be Captain.."

"Dad put you into Starfleet," Rebecca Sloan paused as she listened to the clang.. "I am not section 31 sir.."

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RE: Star Trek: F#$% the Prime Directive - by Armonica_Templar - 08-08-2017, 07:35 PM

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