06-08-2017, 10:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2017, 10:59 PM by Armonica_Templar.)
Eglin air force base
NCO club parking lot
Loud arguments are taking place between different officers and organizations..
"Captain Beauregard.. He is F#$%ing insane," The now clean shaven templar speaks..
Captain Beauregard, A navy SEAL captain shakes his head, "Who gave him that F#$%ing sword!!"
The military men just stand on guard as the arguments proceed..
"I was instructed not to Mrs. PArker," The female skinwalker responds in Navajo..
"You are trying to tell me that Madam Chairman sent you.. You and your mentor got in a fight.. You were on probation," Joyce Parker is speaking in Navajo.. "And you can not tell me this mission.. I got no report of this.."
"He needs medical treatment," A twelve year old girl speaks.. "Admiral De'Chez.. I have no clue what the F#$% the Captain is up to.."
"Rufus, we are in agreement.." Admiral De'Chez shakes his head.. "They will not speak of what they are doing.."
A man on his knees with his hands cuffed to his feet looks up at the woman in front of him, "F@#$ you Dyke.. How you became the head of the Pinson bloodline Elphelba I do not.."
A short red headed kid appears out of nowhere, "I think you need to apologize.."
The chained man starts shaking in fear, "I.. Mr. Smithson.. I meant no disrespect sir.. "
All through these arguments Alex is looking the count in the eyes. He walks up with a hispanic woman in tow..
In klingon, "Alex.. Be careful he has multiple personalities.. That is dad's sword.."
"Jessica.. "Alex whispers in klingon, "Keep them off my back.."
The count in a now slightly dirty Musketeer costume, goes to one knee.. "My Liege.. I beseech thee.. I am on a most holy quest.. In defense of the realm.. Innocents are being harmed in your realm.."
Everyone stops and turns as Alex is staring at the Count.. "Let me see your sword," Alex reaches out and everyone tenses..
The Count with his head bowed, slowly lays the sword on the ground and pushes it forward as Armed Marines have rifles at the Count's forehead.
Alexander picks up the Templar sword, "I was there Captain Beauregard when Andros made this.. Would not let me hold it.." Alex chuckles as he plays with the sword for a second, "D@#$ it is light.."
"Mr. Macer.." Captain Beauregard starts to move only for Jessica to move to intercept.. As he freezes, "Little Girl.."
Rufus looks at Alex, "Alex.. What do you think you are doing?"
"I was there Madam STaSA when Andros made this sword.. He told me the symbols do not really mean S#$% if you do not believe.. That this sword is an ideal personified.." Alex looks at the Count, "You were told not to tell me what this mission.. Pardon me quest is.."
Helos walks over as everyone is quiet and sniffs the Count.. "Alex.. He is not mentally stable.. I can smell the last bits of his anti psychotics on him.. It is in his breath and sweet.."
"Good.." Rufus walks over, "Alex.. If he continues on this he will never mentally heal.." Seeing Alex as he is looking the count in the eyes, "F#$% me.. ALEX!"
"I see it," Alex smiles when the Count Blinks.. "There you are.. I See.."
Rufus and Helos look at the Count and back to Alex..
Going back to playing with the sword, "I have three questions for you Count.. Before I consider this.."
"Alex," Captain Beauregard freezes when jessica smiles..
"Son," Admiral De'Chez calls out..
"Mr. Macer," Joyce Parker calls out..
Alex and Rufus hand signal Alex who is ignoring everyone..
The Count is looking at Alex and swallows hard, "My.. My liege.. I can explain.. It.."
Rufus stops cold and goes wide eyed at the Count.. "That.. F#$% me.."
"Alex.. " Sandra walks over slowly, "This man is insane.. He put the body of a beheaded man in the trunk of his car and drove here with it.."
"First Question.." Alex speaks as he plays with the sword as Sandra has her hand on his shoulder..
Rufus steps forward looks down. She reassesses the Count, "God D@#$.. I missed it.. Eight hundred and sixty seven years.. You brilliant F#$%ing bastard.. "
A wicked smile comes from The Count as he looks Rufus in the eyes, "Honored Senior Tactical and Strategic Adviser.. Is not all war but merely sets of maneuvers designed to give the warrior a strategic advantage."
"What.. You three little brats can not be serious.. You are just children, "Beauregard still does not move as he glares at Jessica..
Rufus puts her fingers into the steeple form in front of her face.. She paces for a second, "Count Norton.. I assume the Templar told you what the Captain claims.. At the battle of Pendelton.. You were there trying to cheer up the children at the hospital in the same type costume.." Rufus puts her hand on the Counts shoulder, "Why did you not run? When RECON did, from overwhelming odds.. Where even I would have retreated.."
Everyone looks at the Count..
Closing his eyes for a second, "Madam STaSA.. I may have been discharged from my oath.. But I am the one that swore it.. I gave my word, when I signed.. Madam.. One does not simply quit because things are hard."
Rufus walks over to one of the officers.. She reaches up and takes off the mans rank..
Before he can argue Mrs. Parker has a blade in his back, "Madam Chairman said no one will interfere.. Rufus she will like to know what the F#$% you are all doing.."
Rufus walks over to the Count shaking her head.. "You mother F#$%ing brilliant Bastard.. Raise your right hand.."
The count Raises his right hand wide eyed..
"Being that you owe time on your original military Contract with the US army.. Under the Authority granted me as the Senior Tactical and Strategic Adviser to the Chairman and the committee at large.. Via the treaty The Committee for a better Future has with SPAWAR, re Phillip De'Chez.. Admiral and commanding officer.. And with The Franklin Trust, which forces Elphelba Pinson to recognize this promotion from Millington, TN on behalf of the DoD.." Rufus takes a deep breath as she smiles, "I grant you the Rank of Lt.. Harry Canton Butterworth.. "
Rufus proceeds with the ceremony:
"I do," The Count is wide eyed as Rufus pins the railroad tracks on him..
"You have you orders from my Captain Lt." Rufus shakes her head.. "You learn something new every day.."
"Little one.. " Elphelba shakes her head, "You can NOT just.."
Helos growls loudly making every one but Alex and Rufus freeze..
Walking over to the Prisoner, Helos grabs him but the throat and lifts the struggling man.. Choking the man Helos carries him to in front of the count, not letting go as the mans face starts to turn blue. Helos holds the chained prisoners face in front of the count who swallows hard..
The count Calls out to Alex, "My liege.. Surely this man deserves better then this.. Nothng he has done desrves a slow death.. Make it quick of prison.. In your wisdom.. Can .."
"NO," Alex points the sword towards the Prisoner. "This man aided the now Deceased Heinrich Donovan in his continuous rape of Helos mother till he was conceived.. Helos beat the Agent to death with his bare hands for thirty minutes.."
"He.. Donovan," The Count shakes.. "Your the son of one of the Four Donovan brothers.. They.. they.."
A tear falls down the counts face..
Helos drops the prisoner at the feet of the count..
Gasping for air, "Please.. I.. You are an honorable man.. Do not let them kill me like a dog Count.."
"Your Honor Or your Revenge," Helos crosses his arms behind his back..
The Count is shaking as Rufus walks over to the Prisoner, "Tell the count.. The Butterworths and Albert Donovan.."
"I had not choice," The prisoner loses all hope as he sees the anger in the Counts eyes.. "They are Donovans.. Just kill me and be quick about it count.."
De'Chez snorts as Elphelba shakes her head..
The Count closes his eyes and looks down to the right. As tears fall, "My Liege.. Give me his life.. No man should lose all faith before his death.. I choose my honor.. I spoke in defense, I stand by that decision.."
Captain Beauregard swallows hard, "God D@#$.. He.. that is.."
Alex motions the close your mouth symbol.. He one handed signals Helos..
Angry Helos stand the defeated man up.. He breaks the cuffs off of him.. "Disobey a single order The Count give you, "Helos is whispering into the Trust man's ears.. "I will take at the very least two days to break you.. He is your master now.."
"Keep your mouth shut," The Count growls at the man.. "Your life is mine by the Franklin Trust rules.... We will talk later.. You will tell me everything about the Donovan's you know.. Run and you will wish Helos caught you.."
Helos just disappears in front of everyone, the formerly chained man rubs his wrist sighing relief.
"He is not to happy," Alex chuckles.. "He thought you would kill the man dead. that leaves..."
A hologram appears of a half asleep female, "Alex.. The Secretary said you.."
"Rockefeller," Alex grins evilly.. "Cont Norton.. I present Madam Vice Chairman. Have you been listening?"
"No I was F#$%ing asleep.." The hologram brings up a recording.. Wearing a nightie, The Vice chairman reviews the log.. She shakes her but pauses and look at the Cont several time.. After a few minutes of silence..
"My lady," The Count pauses, "My Liege.."
"Alex.. I see it.." Rockefeller stands a little straighter, "I must act the Queen here. Count.. They are planning on sending you to potentially your death.. I know what we are facing.. To send you, in this condition is stupid.."
"My lady.. Liege.. What is life," The Count responds?
The Vice Chairman looks at the cont and then to Alex, "Go on.."
"It is mine to live.. Am I not free.. To live, to love, and to laugh as a freeman.. In that process, do I not have the divine inspiration to pursue my happiness to the ends of the earth as I see fit? just as you do.."
Closing her eyes, "You must tell me one thing and you have my blessing.." Taking a deep breath the hologram whispers into the Counts ear..
"With out breaking my oath my dear.. I can see the affection in your tone.. Consider this.. He would not ever have been able to draw such emotion from you if he was not the man your tone indicates you are pissed at.." The count bows, "My liege he is the man you care for.. Trust in that.."
A male voice comes from behind the Vice Chairman, "Darlin is that more d@#$ business.. "
"Go with my blessing noble count," Rockefeller disconnects the feed from her end.
The count puts his hand over his heart, "My lady.."
"The sword is proof of Andros's blessing," Captain Beauregard's eyes are wide as it dawned on him.. "Alex.. May I speak with.."
"No," Alex walks over directly infront of the Count.. Pointing the Grandmaster of the Templar's sword at the Lt, "Now it is my turn.." Alex rubs his chin, "What is the answer to the question I have.."
Everyone is confused as the count starts thinking.. He moves his lips like he is having a conversation in his head.. "I.. Their.." The Count stops, "D@#$ it.. there is no answer.." Frustrated..
Alex raises his eyebrows looking at the count..
"I have failed, "The Count cusses and shakes his head.. "It is a S#$% test with no answer.. I was set up.. I .. "
The count turns to leave and shakes his head moving his lips..
Alex grins evilly as his father shakes his head..
"Alex," Sandra whispers.. "That was cruel.."
"Sandra.." Brushes her aside, "Count Norton.. Halt.. " Alex brings the sword up in salute as the Count turns around and is very surprised.. "Knell Count Joshua Abraham Norton the Forth.."
"I failed.. Oh.." The Count removes his hat as he kneels..
"As the son of Phillip De'Chez.. Technicaly I am heir to a kingdom.. As we speak, Madam Chairman rules the CFaBF as my Regent.. By ancient Captain Beauregard that makes me a Prince in all but title.. My Secretary selected you as worthy and sent you here.. The Vice Chairman.. Is the vice Chairman.." Alex smiles as he places the sword on the Counts right shoulder, "You have convinced Rufus of your worthiness as a soldier to the point she swore you back into the military.." Moving the sword gracefully to the Counts other shoulder, "You convinced my Sargent at Arms that your honor was above reproach.."
The four templars present swallow hard and put their hands over thier hearts..
"As for my test.. You had to accept failing to get my blessing, to get my blessing.." Alex brings the Grandmaster's sword up to salute, "Rise.. Sir Norton.. Lt. in the US Navy.. Count by title.. Emperor of Calexia by proclamation.. Knight of the Committee for a Better Future.. Arise My fellow musketeer.."
Alex handed the Grandmasters's sword back to the Count..
The count took the sword wide eyed..
"As is classic in all stories and legends.. Dine with us in the morn.. " Alex smiled as he put his hand on the Musketeer's shoulder.. He whispers, "You are a brilliant bastard Harry.. F#$%ing brilliant.."